Part 10

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Jack pov

I stir slightly as I feel something fall onto the bed, I then feel arms wrap around me from behind and start to tense up.
"Hey, its ok, its just me," I hear Mark silently coo into my ear, I immediately relax.
"What time is it," I yawn, stretching as I turn around in his arms and face him.
"Its 5 AM," he says hugging me lovingly and kissing my forehead.
"5AM?! Why did the make you stay so long?"
"My shift finishes at 4AM, then I still have to report back to the office before being let off."
I snuggle up to him and kiss his bare chest, he must be so tired.
"Get some sleep love, ill make breakfast in bed tomorrow," I say.
"Nah, you don't have to do that," he yawns out and I gently shush him and kiss him on the lips.
"Good night, love you," I say, instinctively intertwining my legs with his. He kisses my forhead, "love you too," he says sleepily before laying his chin on my head and going to sleep. Soon after I start to drift off as well, being lulled by his calm heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest.

Mark pov

I start to wake up when I feel Jack climb in bed and hug me tightly.
"Good morning love," he says, looking at me cheerfully.
"Good morning," I smile back before kissing him on the lips.
"Where did you go."
"Well I did say I was gonna make you breakfast in bed," he sits up and hands me a tray of food.
"Aw, darling, I told you you didn't have to do that," I say kissing him on the cheek thankfully then taking the tray onto my lap.
"Well, I wanted to, you had such a late night I didn't want you to wake up early to make breakfast."
"What would I do without you," I say before taking a bite from my eggs.
"Where's your plate?"
"Hm? Oh, I wasn't really hungry so I didn't have anything," he smiles lovingly. I frown at him before taking a piece of bacon on my fork and placing it on his lips.
"Have some," I tell him, he leans back and shakes his head.
"Im fine really." I look at him with a face that said 'really' before biting the piece of bacon. I held the piece by my teeth then placed my hands on Jack's hips andpulling him closer. He opened his mouth in surprise and I took the chance to kiss him, exchanging the piece of bacon from my mouth to his. He begrudgingly chews it when I pull away, smirking.
"Tastes good?" I ask and he nods before swallowing it.
"Now, either we share the food or I'm gonna have to do mouth to mouth feeding," I chuckle at his face when I say that.
"Fine fine I give in, ill eat as well, I don't wanna go through that again," he laughs before eating a bit of egg.
"So how was work last night," he asks, laying down and looking up at me curiously.
"Meh, nothing interesting really happened, no one tried to come in and steal anything so it was pretty boring..." I before remembering that person that I saw coming out of one of the hotel windows next to the store.
"There was this shady looking dude that came out of a hotel window that was next to us. I tried stopping them but they just disappeared," I said, replaying the memory.
"Really, did you get a good look at their face?" He asks interested.
"No... they had on this mask and hood on so I couldn't get a good look at them," he nods before eating another strip of bacon.
We spent the rest of the time eating in comfortable silence. When I finished, I put the tray on the table then turned back to Jack. I suddenly embraced him in a hug that made him fall down, me pinning him down in a nice bear hug.
"Thanks for the breakfast love, it was delicious," I compliment, kissing him all over his face, making him giggle.
"C'mon get off your heavy," he laughs slightly pushing my chest. I make myself more heavy by making my body limp, earning a playful punch on the arm.
"Hey, are you ticklish?" I ask and he immediately stiffens, giving me my answer. I smirk as I slowly move my hands to his sides.
"Mark... I swear to god don't you even dare," he says half threateningly. I start to tickle him viciously and he lets of huge bursts of laughter, trying to get me off him.
"Get off me you bastard!" He yells, howling with laughter. He tries to roll me over but I don't allow it as I stop tickling him and pin his hands above his head. He finally starts to calm down from the fits of laughter and looks up at me with adorable, innocent looking eyes. Oh god, he could literally murder someone and I wouldn't stay mad at him for long. I smile before leaning down and capturing his lips in a soft kiss. He kisses back eagerly, his lips feeling like light feathers. I deepened it by slipping my tongue in his mouth and claiming the whole space.
The kiss starts to become more heated and rough, one of my hands trailing down his body while the other one still holds his wrists in place. He lets out a cute squeak when I lightly pinch his thigh then rub it affectionately.
We part from the kiss, him panting slightly as he starts to get excited. I grin at him before kissing down his jaw to his Adams apple. He moves his neck to give me more access which I use as I slightly nibble at the part that connects his neck and shoulder. He lets out a small moan that makes me smile as I continue what I'm doing.
I let go of his wrists and begin to take off his shirt, revealing his porcelain chest to me. I kiss and nibble down, receiving different sounds and reactions at different spots. I fumble with his gym shorts and underwear, pulling the strap and letting it go to slap back onto his body. He arches his back and moans from being sensitive to touch in that region and lets out a pleading whimper.
"M-mark," he gasps out as I lick his nipple. I look up at him and he looks down at me with needy, half lidded eyes.
"What do you want me to do love?" I ask, going back up to face him, our noses touching.
"Y-you know," he says, his face heating up in embarresment. I smile and shake my head, acting clueless.
"You have to tell me what you want baby," I whisper seductively in his ear to provoke him even more. He lets out a whimper, I see his ears turn to a shade of pink which made him look even more adorable.
He looks down, fumbling with his fingers before looking up into my eyes, those blue orbs clouded with lust and need, for me.
"Fook me~," he says in his thick Irish accent that makes my stomach turn in excitement. I smirk at him before kissing him roughly for a few seconds then leaning back again.
"Thats all I needed to hear~."


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