Part 9

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Jack pov

I wake up the next morning in a different bed than my own. I start getting confused and try to sit it, but I'm stopped when warm arms hold me tighter. I turn around to come face to face with the peaceful sleeping face of Mark. I blush at him being so close to me, and even more when I realise we were both stark naked. He starts stirring and I pretend to still be sleeping. I hear him yawn then feel his eyes on me, his arms wrap tighter around me before he start nuzzling his face in my neck.
He starts to kiss my neck, making me giggle.
"Morning love," he whispers lovingly into my ear.
"Morning," I say smiling as I kiss his ear.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Of course, I was wrapped up in a secure burrito by your arms," I giggle. He chuckles and kisses me, I kiss back happily.
"Whats for breakfast?" I ask him.
"Hmmm, eggs and bacon sounds nice."
I smile and attempt to get up but immediately fall down from my sore hips.
"Are you ok?" He asks worriedly.
"Im fine you nany, just a little sore from being fooked on a table," I tease.
He smirks before getting up and coming to me, he puts on his underwear then takes mine and helps me put them on. He then picks me up bridal style off the floor.
"Lets go make breakfast," he announces before walking to the door. I open it for him cause he didn't have any arms handy. He trots down the stairs and goes to the kitchen. I giggle as he walks around the kitchen so that I could get all the ingrediants and start cooking.
"I think I'm able to stand now Mark," I laugh out. He slowly lets me down, when I start wobbling he holds me up straight.
I carry on making breakfast while he hugs from behind to keep me standing. While I fry the bacon and eggs, I feel him start to plant kisses along my shoulder, I lean into him comfortably.
After a few minutes I dish up our food and hand him a plate.
"Breakfast is served," he takes it kindly. Before he goes to sit down he makes sure I can walk by myself, I wobble before stabling myself then looking at him reasurringly.
"Thanks mom," I tease as he sits down laughing. I sit down next to him and start eating.
"Don't you have work?"
"No, I've been moved to security night shift of a jewelry store in a dodgy neighborhood," he rolls his eyes.
"Dont worry love, you'll get a... promotion? Soon," I say not really knowing cop talk.
He chuckles, "thanks love," he says before pecking my lips.

We spend the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch, watching movies and stuff until about 5.
"I should be getting ready for work," Mark says as he gets off the couch. I pout at him in joking sadness.
"Cant you just... not go to work."
"Believe me, if I had the choice, I'd much rather stay here with you," he says before going upstairs.
I get up and start taking all the dishes and soda cans to the kitchen. As I come back, Mark steps down the stairs with his cop uniform on.
"Ooooo, sexy officer man," I bite my lip before rapping my arms around his neck.
He gave me a devilish smirk before kissing me briefly on the lips.
"I wont be back until real late tonight so don't wait for me," he hugs me before heading to the door.
"Ill see you in the morning, love you."
"Love you too," I say back, the words still new on my tongue. He closes the door and leaves me alone in the house.
I let out a huge sigh as I plop back on the couch.
Oh Jack you've really fooked up now haven't you? Not only have I made it way harder for me to hide my identity by having him closer to me. But now I've also grown feelings for someone, which is something I swore I wouldn't do. Everyone that gets close to me only ends up getting hurt... I've learnt that the hard way.
I screwed up my face as an attempt to keep the tears form falling. But they soon slip down my cheek and hit the ground, memories of blood and corpses flashing over and over in my mind.
I shake it off and head upstairs, I need to blow off some steam. I smirk.
And I know the perfect way.
I get to my room and take out the loose floorboard, taking out all my gear. I get dressed in my black clothing and robe to fit, putting most of the knives and guns in secret places. I finally put on my mask and gloves and make sure my hair wont show through while I'm hunting.
I soon climb out the window and leap onto the next rooftop. I always like traveling on rooftops, it gave me an unfair advantage and I was able to see so much more.
I decide to pick a hotel next to a nice looking jewelry store. I pick a random window, check if the coast is clear, then shimmy my way up by the pipes to my desired location. I look inside to see a woman sleeping peacefully in her bed, with her child wrapped in her arms.
Oh I hate it when they have children... the little brats always make a fuss.
I silently open the window and blend in with the shadows in the room. I hear the woman stir and hide in a corner. She gets up and heads to the bathroom, completely oblivious to the presence in the room. I take this chance to grab the little girl. She wakes up and tries screaming, but I muffle her cries with my hand and hold her down while tying her up.
The mother comes back and it takes her a while to realise her precious child was gone.
"Katie?" The woman asked.
As soon as she was close enough to the bed, I pounced on her from behind and held her down on the bed.
"Aw, Katie is such a nice name," I whisper so only she could hear me. She struggles but to no avail, I have a knife to her throat in seconds, keeping her quiet as I gently pull he up. I face her towards her passed out daughter. I may be cruel, but I'm not that much of a monster to let the child see her mother's last moments.
"Look at her, she has her mother's eyes that's for sure," I coo, making the woman more aggetated.
"Oh don't worry darling, I wont kill her, your my only target tonight." As I finish my sentence, I slice her neck and drop her on the floor, letting her slowly bleed out. I look to the child, she can't be any older that 10, I get closer to her and hug her.
"I guess you and I have something in common now ey?" I chuckle sadly before letting her lay on the ground. I've always had a soft spot for kids, never enjoying the fact of ending a life that hasn't even started yet.
I go to the bathroom and clean up all the evidence. I go back to the room and press the button for service, not wanting the little girl to wake up to this alone. I quickly climb out the window and close it, then go all the way down until I hit the street.
"Hey!" I hear behind me. I swirve around to see Mark, I remember he said he was doing the night shift for a jewelry store. I didn't know he meant this one. He obviously saw me go out that window. Before he could react I blew him a kiss that turned into the middle finger and winked at him before disappearing into the shadows.
"Wait stop!" He shouts but I ignore as I am already halfway across the block. Time to go home and wash off all the pain and regret.

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