Part 20

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"Marky! Could you do me a huge favor and pour me a glass of juice?" Jack called to Mark who was in the kitchen of their new home. Which was situated on the coast of New Zealand. Far away from LA.

The house was about twenty meters from the beach, meaning they could go there whenever they wanted. It was even better that the beach was secluded so him and Mark could... have some fun there.

The house itself wasn't very large, but still lovely. Two bedrooms, a bathroom with a shower and a bath that could seat two people, a living room, kitchen and a small garden in the back. The whole house had a vintage style to it, with most of the walls and floors being dark, warm colored wood. The master bedroom had a dark red and brown theme all over. It had a king sized bed, a walk in closet and a balcony with a sliding door to look out at the ocean.

"Sure sweetie!" Mark called back.

Jack was in the middle of reading a book on the porch in the garden. It was his favorite place to just sit and wind down. Him and Mark definitely needed it.

They both narrowly escaped that security guard that found them. Jack thought fast and bit the man in the shin, which bought them time to crawl through the hole and into the car. Mark had provided them both with new ID cards, he changed from Sean to Jack, since he was already so low profile. Mark had changed his name to Damien.

Mark came out with a cold glass of lemonade, setting it on the counter next to Jack and sitting beside him. Jack smiled and kissed his cheek, "thank you." He took a sip of the beverage and let out a happy sigh before setting it down again. Mark held Jack's chin and pulled him into a gentle kiss. Which Jack happily returned. The older leaned closer in, resting a hand on each side of the Irishman.

Mark began to move them so they were now laying down on the bench, the kiss getting more deep. Jack slowly set his book down on the floor before wrapping his arms around Mark's neck. The two finally pulled away when they needed air, panting softly as they gazed at each other.

"Fuck, when was the last time we had a kiss like that?" Mark asked, a little breathless. "Too long," Jack replied, causing them both to giggle softly and meet for another kiss.

"Well, why don't we take this little kissing scene upstairs~?" Jack grinned and nodded eagerly, kissing his jaw softly. Mark scooped him up from the bench and carried him to the master bedroom, gently laying Jack on the bed and attacking his neck with kisses. Jack giggled out and tangled his fingers into the dark brown locks.

Mark removed their clothes in a matter of seconds and began roaming Jack's body with his hands. He glided his fingers over his curves teasingly, earning soft noises of delight from his lover.

"Marky~ No teasing, I can't take it~" Jack mewled out, grinding his already excited member against Mark. Mark grinned and nodded, grabbing the lube from their dresser. He squirted a generous amount on himself and Jack's entrance. "Do you need prep~?" He purred into Jack's ear who shook his head with a blush. "N-n... I already stretched myself last night~" That caused Mark to smirk wildly and shove his length right into the tight hole. 

Jack let out a sharp moan of surprise as Mark purred into his ear, "such a naughty boy~" He started to roll his hips slowly, gripping onto Jack's hips with a grip that would surely leave bruises later. Jack's small moans were slowly getting louder with each thrust. He jolted and let out a cry of pleasure when Mark brushed against his prostate, "Mark~ right there~!"

Mark happily obliged and began ramming into that spot over and over again, the smaller writhing in pleasure. The bed soon began creaking as the sounds of moans and sighs and slapping skin filled the air. They hadn't had sex in a long while, too stressed out about getting caught. So now, when everything's died down, they took their chance to fuck like rabbits.

Jack let out a loud yell and arched his back off the bed, his whole body shaking in the preparation of release. Mark sped up, chasing down his own climax so they'd come at the same time. "Mark~! Close~!" Jack gripped onto the bedsheets so hard that his knuckles turned white. Mark groaned out and nibbled his ear, "come for me baby~"

Jack whipped his head back and screamed out Mark's name as he released all over their chests, tightening around Mark. He moaned out loudly and came deep inside Jack, panting loudly. The two stayed there in silence for a few minutes as they came down from their highs. Mark pulled out and collapsed beside Jack, both staring up at the ceiling. They both looked at each other and burst into fits of giggles. 

When they've finally calmed down, their bellies sore from laughing. They spent the rest of the day cuddled up to each other.Jack played with Mark's hair absent mindedly as they talked about nothing in particular.

"Hey Jack?" Mark finally said, Jack letting out a hum for a reply. "So, now that we're finally free from that mad house and everything..." Jack propped himself up on his elbow and faced Mark, giving him a curious look.

"Well... I was just wondering..." Mark looked away nervously as he fidgeted with his fingers. Which honestly looked adorable. Jack chuckled and lifted his head by his chin, "don't keep me in suspense like that. Tell me," he kissed his cheek with a warm smile.

Mark took a shaky breath and looked up at him. "I love you Jack. I'd do anything and everything for you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because you make me so happy. We've had a lot of ups and downs but thats what makes relationships stronger..." Mark paused to take Jack's hand in his.

"That's why... I wanna start a family with you. We don't have to do anything major now, maybe just get a dog or something but... I want to have a child with you..." 

Jack stayed silent the whole time, slowly tearing up from joy the more Mark spoke. When he was finally finished, Jack tackled him into a tight hug and kissed all over his face. Mark chuckled and hugged just as tight, "I guessing that's a yes?"

Jack looked at him and held his face, "of course it's a yes! I want little children running around and have the priveledge of calling them ours." Mark smiled and wiped the tears away from Jack's eyes, kissing both eyelids.

"I love you so much," Mark whispered to him which made Jack smile more and reply back, "I love you too."

~~~The end~~~

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