Part 7

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We stare into eachothers eyes and feel our faces get closer and closer. We were so close that our noses were touching.
I started closing the gap and...

Jack pov

The eggtimer rings signalling the Mac and cheese was ready. We both fall out of our trance and pull away from eachother immediately as I hurry to take the food out the oven. That was too close... WAY too close. Honestly if it went any further... I don't think I would've been able to pull away.
Without thinking I open the oven and touch the tray with my bare hands before jumping back with a yelp from the heat. Mark quickly comes rushing to me to see if I was ok.
He cares.
He quickly runs to another room to get a first aid kit, I chuckle at how much he's freaking out over I small little burn. He runs back in and makes me sit down on the kitchen chair.
"Mark I'm fine really, I just got a little shock that's all," he ignores me as he goes to work on my hands. He first puts on some sort of cream that's supposed to help soothe irritated skin, he then wrapped my hands in a cloth full of ice.
"Now don't take those off your hands until the ice has melted." He says packing up the medical kit.
I roll my eyes, "my hero," I say and he stands up with his chest pumped out and in a heroic stance. We both laugh before he goes to put the kit away. I stand up and start taking out plates, it being very hard with ice wrapped around both your hands. Mark comes back and immediately takes the plates away from me and tells me my hands have been put on suspension for the rest of the night. Look at this overdramatic goofeball, worrying about everything. Ive literally had to walk five miles with a broken leg once and I was just fine... don't ask.
I sit down at the table and wait as Mark takes it upon himself to dish up. After a minute he sets down my plate in front of me then sits next to me. Guess ill have to eat this like a dog then. I lean down and start chowing on my mac and cheese. Mark gives me a weird look and I look at him directly with food all over my face.
"What, cant use my hands remember," I say in a gentle sarcasm. He holds back a laugh before taking my plate, scooping a nice portion onto the spoon and putting it in front of my face.
"Excuse me sir but I am perfectly fine with eating like I was. I don't need to be fed," I say defensively. He prods the spoon to my mouth like he's encouraging a kid to eat, he's not serious is he?
"C'mon baby Jack, have to eat all your food if you want dessert," he says in a fatherly tone. I puff my cheeks out like a kid and play along.
"But I don waaannaaaa," I whine and hold back a chuckle.
"If you do, ill give you ice cream," I look down as to contemplate the bargain before giving up.
"Fiiiiine," I say dramatically before opening my mouth. He fed me my whole meal before getting to his own plate. I sit there secretly staring at him. Does he really care about me or am I just imagining things? After some time he finishes and takes our plates to put in the sink.
"I don't know if you recall but I think I was promised ice cream if I finished my food," I say in a matter-of-factly voice. He smirks at me for a second in a way that gave me shivers before he turned away quickly. I wonder what just ran through his mind for that face to appear. ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
"What flavour?" He asks me as he starts to wash the dishes.
"Hmmmmmm... I'm feeling a nice mint and chocolate today," he nods after I say that. It was silent for a bit, the only sound being the running water.
"Ok done, lets go."
"Go where?"
"You said you wanted ice cream didn't you," he says before grabbing a jacket and putting some shoes on. I follow his lead, I secretly take off the ice cloth rap thingy and start putting my shoes on. Soon we walk to the front door and leave, we start walking on the pathway towards wherever we're going.
After a good 10 minutes of walking we get to a pier with a small carnival looking thing is going on. There were so many colours and music and peaple having a good time, it just gave off a nice warm atmosphere. We walked up to a booth that was selling ice cream, Mark ordered two mint and chocolate ice creams and then payed for it. We thanked the man before walking off to go find a place to sit. He handed me my ice cream and I took it without hesitation.
"Hey where are your bandades?" I looked at my hands and remembered I was supposed to hide that.
"Haha... funny story that is uhh..." he chuckled at me and it looked like he juzt let it go. We decided to go sit somewhere in the nearby park, we found a nice bench that seemed pretty sucluded from the rest of the world. We sat down and just started up conversation as easily as usual.
After about a few minutes of talking and laughing and cracking up jokes we just stared up at the sky.
"Hey Jack," I hear Mark say and I looked towards him. As soon as I did I felt something cold hit my nose. I look down to discover a big dolup of ice cream on my nose, I look back up to find a laughing Mark. I start laughing too before doing the same to him, he looked so cute with ice cream on his face.
It soon becomes a full on war with it ending in both our faces being covered in brown and green. After we've calmed down from our laughing fit we just stare at each other, his eyes the same colour as the ice cream. He moves his hand to my cheek and rubs it gently.
"As adorable as you look with ice cream all over your face, I'm gonna have to clean it off."
Wait... did he just sat he, what does he mean by that. I notice him start to lean closer but was too transfixed with his eyes to move. It was like his stare was pinning me in place, or I just didn't want to move. His hand moves from my cheek to my chin and the other one pulling me closer by my waist. He was so close, I could almost feel his lips brush against mine.
I suddenly sense a pair of eyes on us before quick footsteps then the sound of a gun clicking. Faster than you could blink I was out of Mark's arm, jumped over the bench and roundhouse kicking out observer. I was on top of him in a moment and the gun was thrown away in another. I was about to beat the ever living shit out of him before I heard Mark's voice telling me to stop. I looked up at him with my killer face still on which he saw and made him hesitate to get any closer. My attention turned back to our culprit as he took out a hidden blade and tried stabbing me. He aimed for my face which I expertly dodged then took that hand and easily manuvering it towrds his throat. I stopped the blade right above his Adams apple.
"Try moving again, I dare you," I say in an almost calm but venomous voice. Mark quickly ran to us and took out a pair of handcuffs that I assume he keeps with him just incase.
After calling for backup and having the man be taken away, we decided to head home. The walk back was quiet for most of the time until we rounded the corner into our street.
"Those were some pretty good moves back there, may I ask where you've learned them?"
"Well like I said before, I lived in a really dodgy area so it was either learn to defend yourself or get killed." We get to our house and he unlocks the door for us.
"You know with skills like that you could probably join the agency," he said after closing the door and taking his jacket off.
I smirk, "nah... the cop life ain't for me."
"And why is that?"
"Just is," I leave him hanging as I go upstairs to take a shower.


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