part 14

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Okie so I did this on another book of mine and it seemed to work pretty well so imma try something new with my writing technique. I feel like the way I'm gonna do it now is gonna help the story run way smoother and... Well... better XD
Flamey out~

Mark gripped the steering wheel tightly as he waited for the trafic light to go green.

... that was their first argument... it hurt... a lot.

Mark shook his head, he knew he was right, he has been patient with Jack for months and all he gets is pushed away.

He was allowed to be worried for his boyfriend and deserved to be let in!

Mark jumped as a honk came from behind him, impatient with him for not moving when the light turned green.

He began to drive to work, he got a message from his boss saying that they needed his help. Something about... finding something very important.

Mark sighed as he pulled into the police department parking lot, getting out of his car and shutting the door.

Mark walked in through the sliding door and got into the elevator, going to the third floor.

"Mark finally!" His boss sighed as Mark walked through the elevator doors.

"What happened, did you find something?"

"Yes, and we need your help... yours specifically," his boss shifted uncomfortably.

Mark looked at him questioningly as he was ushered over to a computer screen.

"You've heard of the mystery assassin right?" He asked, glancing to Mark.

"Of course, they say that the reason no one knows what they look like was cause if you did see their face, you'd probably be dead a few seconds later."

"Exactly, and they've been off the grid for their whole life, meaning that no one could find him right?"

Mark nodded, not really sure where this pop quiz was leading to.

Mark's boss smirked, "well... they slipped up... we found them!"

"That's great!... but... how do I play in this?" Mark asks, still confused as to why they need him.

"Well... we were able to hack into their phone and track their location and..."

His boss pointed to the screen and Mark looked, it showing a map of the whole city with a blinking light on the far right.

Mark zoomed closer to the light to see that the phone was in his apartment building... no... in his house.

Mark's face paled as he stepped away from the screen, "... no... no it can't be..."

"That monster that lives in that house with you trusts you more than anyone Mark..."

Mark shook his head, trying to refuse his ears from listening as his heart shattered.

"... we need you to catch him..."


Jack slips in through the window silently, taking his mask off to let the cool air hit his sweaty face.

"They put up a real fight," he chuckled quietly as he placed all his equipment in the floorboard and closing it.

Jack walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on, stripping before stepping into the warm stream of water.

Jack sighed as the drops beated onto his skin, calming his racing heart.

Jack washed his body and scrubbed off the dried blood that he missed when he cleaned himself before.

Cops shouldn't play with bad boys (Septiplier boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now