part 4

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Jack pov

After the events of earlier today I decided it was best to stay in my room for as long as I could. But after a while I got super bored and walked to my door, I opened my door as quietly as I could and headed down to the living room to watch cartoons.
I love cartoons, my favorite was Rick and Morty.
I sat on the couch and watched my show for what seemed like hours.
I started to feel my eyes droop as I got sleepy, I layed down on the couch, only half watching tv and half sleeping, it soon became too much to keep my eyes open so I slowly fell asleep.

Mark pov

I was still really embarrassed about what happened earlier today, I could feel every muscle on his body, and let me tell ya, they felt good.
I've been camping out in my room for the past few hours, not wanting the awkwardness consume us both if we were to be in the same room. But clearly my stomach had different plans, it started growling, I'm starving.
Well I guess I could maybe just sneak to the kitchen and try not get caught.
I stand up and walk to my door, I open it silently and tip toe down the corridor, I slip downstairs and head to the kitchen. I quickly start taking out stuff to make a BLT. I turn on the stove and put some oil in the pan before adding the beautiful smelling bacon. As I wait for the one side to cook I start cutting up the tomatoes. I flip the bacon to the other side and butter the bread. When the bacon is done I take a spatula and scoop it out the pan and on the bread. I finish by adding the other ingredients and top it off with some mayonaise.
Now that is some good shit right there. I put all the dirty dishes into a sink and head out the kitchen with my yummy sandwich.
I stop as I hear the TV on and soft snoring, I see Jack passed out on the couch with Rick and Morty. I chuckle, drool was coming out of his mouth and he looked so cute. I went to the closet under the stairs and grabbed a fluffy blanket cause it was starting to get kinda cold.
I set down my sandwich on the table and went to cover him. As I walked towards him, I tripped over a bump in the carpet and started falling down.
With full force I fell right into Jack's body, waking him up immediately.
His face was full of panic and he looked like he was about to karate chop me before seeing my face. Our faces were inches away from each other and I was basically punning him to the couch.
"I... I uhh," I try to say something but my English seemed to have left me. He looks to the side of him to the sandwich then back at me, the smirked.
"jesus Mark if you wanted to give me a sandwich that badly you could've just shook me awake instead of giving me a full on body slam." We both laugh at his joke as I start getting off him.
"S-sorry about that. I just wanted to cover you with a blanket cause it was getting cold and I tripped over a carpet bump," I apologize, rubbing the back of my neck.
He looks down at the blanket on him and looks back smiling.
"Awww how sweet, thank you Mark," I smile back.
It seems the awkwardness from earlier today has left us cause the air was way more calm. We both sat on the couch for the rest of the day watching cartoons, deciding to share the BLT cause we were both to lazy to make another one.
Night soon fell and I knew I had work tomorrow so I said my good night and went to bed, thinking of the beautiful blue eyes green bean watching TV downstairs and slowly falling asleep.

Jack pov

About twenty minutes after Mark went to bed, I headed to my own room. Tonight was the night I was gonna start killing some people.
I smile evily as I take away the floorboard and gear up on my weaponry.
I felt like stabbing a bitch today so I took all of my knives and strapped them to my body. And of course every good assassin needs some fashion. I slip on light and easy shirt and pants that didn't make any sound. I fitted on my very stylish leather boots and strappef some hidden pocket knives in them. Lastly I put on my black cape which I also strapped with hidden knives and the my mask. Which can you guess it, yes is also black.
I look at myself in the mirror.
I looked like a dark shadow in the night, my mask almost completely covered my face except for my right eye.
I made sure that my colourful green hair was kept back into the hood before closing up the floarboard and heading to the window.
I silently opened it and quivkly slipped out onto the roof.
Lets go hunt some bitches.


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