part 18

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"Good morning Mr McLaughlin! I hope you slept well," Mark spoke in a formal voice as he entered Jack's cell.

Jack just mumbled in disinterest as he slowly sat up from his bed. Which he hadn't really climbed into, he usually just slept on top of the covers. Jack let out a small yawn, well... as much as he could yawn with a muzzle attached to his mouth, and stretched until his bones made a satisfying pop.

The doctors watched intensely from outside the window, one of those ones that looks like a mirror on the inside of the room. Mark had told Jack about that window, and always spoke formally to him to signal that they were watching.

"Today's breakfast will be-"

"Lemme guess, baked beans on toast with grated cheese on top, and steamed broccoli on the side," Jack said in a cocky tone. That's always what they served for breakfast on Mondays. Jack used to like the taste of those foods, but after it being fed to you for more than six months on every Monday, it's gets a little bland.

"Right you are!" Mark chirped with a smile as he placed the plate on Jack's lap.
"I'll punish you later for talking to me like that~" Mark whispered into Jack's ear as he pulled away to not make the doctors suspicious. The statement almost made Jack giggle and fall out of character, but he regained his composure and gave Mark an uninterested stare.

Mark took the key he kept on his keychain and unlocked Jack's muzzle, taking the contraption away and placing it on the table. Jack was still in a straight jacket so he wouldn't be able to lash out that much anyways.

Mark grabbed and knife and fork and kneeled in front of the Irishman, making it so his and Jack's face were hidden from the doctors. He began to cut up the toast and began feeding him. Jack grumbled and reluctantly ate.

"Will I be able to go outside today Mr Fischbach?" Jack asked with a mouth full of food and a mischevious glint in his eyes. Mark just hummed and returned the look, "maybe, if you behave."

After a while of eating, Jack smirked as he shifted his legs, making the tray clatter on the floor.
"Oops, My bad," he said in a tone that didn't really sound remorseful. Mark just sighed and stood up, picking up the tray and walking to the door. He walked out the room and subtly checked to the side to see if the doctors were still there.

They weren't.

Mark grinned, knowing they wouldn't come back for the rest of the day. He went to go fetch a cloth to clean up the mess Jack had oh so convientiently made.

He came back to the room and kneeled on the floor, cleaning up the mess before setting it on the table. Mark had somehow been able to hack into the cameras and put in pre-recordings onto it when him and Jack wanted their alone times. All he had to do was press a button and bam. The security was surprisingly shit for a hospital full of crazy people.

Mark looked down at Jack with a hard, dominant look while Jack just smiled up at him innocently. Mark growled and pinned the boy down on the bed, hovering over him.

"You know you shouldn't talk to me like that, it gets me all hot and bothered~" Mark purred into Jack's ear before nipping it. Jack bit his lip and let out a hum, "well maybe that was the plan. Now get me out of this thing so I can touch you," Jack struggled around in the straight jacket even through he knew he couldn't get free.

Mark just smirked against his ear and shook his head, "No, I think this will be your punishment baby boy~" he purred and Jack whined. He both loved and hated getting punished.

It wasn't often when him and Mark could do naughty things like this anymore, so they took any opportunity they could get. It just made it more exciting with the thought that they could get caught at any moment.

"Marky please," Jack whined but Mark wouldn't have any of it. He just turned his head away from him with a huge smirk on his face. Jack pouted and tried biting at him, leaning up nipping his chin. Mark raised an eyebrow and slapped Jack's thigh gently in warning.

Jack huffed and went still, looking up at Mark with doe-eyes, "please Marky, I've been a good boy all week."

"The week's only started now," Mark chuckled, making Jack smile and nod.

Mark rolled his eyes playfully and sat up, "I'd love for us to play now baby, but we have plans." Mark had an evil grin on his face which Jack returned. They've both been planning bust Jack out of this hellhole and finally be free together. Mark had it all planned: where they'd move to, what job they would have, he even had the fake ID's. Everything was set. They just needed to wait for the right moment to escape.

Jack sat up a bit and kissed his chin, "I still can't believe we're gonna go through with this. Are you sure you wanna do this for me?"    

Mark looked down at him and held his face, "of course I do, you're the love of my life and I'd do anything if it meant we'd be together." It was true. Mark was ready to give up his whole life, his family, his friends. Just so they could be together. He loved Jack with all his heart. And sure it may not work, they may get caught. But Mark didn't care about that. He just cared about Jack.

Jack teared up a little bit and smiled at Mark like he was God's gift to humanity. Mark smiled back and wiped away the tears with his thumb, connecting their foreheads.
"I love you so much," he whispered to the little Irishman who just chuckled and nodded, "I love you too."

They shared a soft kiss, small but still held a ton of meaning and passion in it. Mark pulled away just an inch, that evil grin returning, "now what's say we go outside for a little walk, Mr McLaughlin?"

Jack smirked and nodded, "of course, Mr Fischbach."


Mark was walking alongside Jack in the hospital gardens. Other patients were walking around with their caretakers too, only a few had to wear muzzles and straight jackets like Jack had to. Jack was always the one most feared though. Muzzles and straight jackets didn't seem to stop him for hurting someone he thought insulted him in some way. Hell. He used his feet one time to scratch up a guy's face.

Mark looked around to see if any eyes were on them, before swiftly slipping behind some bushes with Jack close behind. There was a fence that they already cut a hole through. It was well hidden by the bushes so no one, not even the cameras would be able to see them until it was too late.

The only thing that separated them from the outside world was the barbed wire that spread around the whole circumference of the fence. And no ordinary pliers could cut open these, they needed a special kind.

Mark had ordered them about a month ago and they'd be arriving any day now.

Then. They'd be free at last.

I updated guys! You proud of me?
I'm also learning to write more in a chapter and be more descriptive!
Yay for me!

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