Part 6

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Jack pov

I've been sleeping for most of the cause of not having any rest the night before.
I woke up at about 3:20 pm and decided to get my lazy ass up and do shit.
I reluctantly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to go have a shower. I strip down and turn the water on in the shower. When I feel the water is warm enough I step in and begin to wash myself.
I wonder if Mark is gonna be in the investigation of my little game last night. I how I would love to see his face if he saw the crime scene.
I wonder who that guy was, and what happened to his marriage that he needed a night out with some new scenery. I was obviously an important guy, he had a lot of money and stuff... Nooo I did not steal anything... well... exept a few lives of course.
I don't kill to steal.
I kill, however psychotic it sounds, for fun.
I realise that I've been standing in the shower for waaay too long and now have pruny fingers. I turn off the tap and grab a towel then head to my room. Thank god he's not here or I would've been worried about our little... incident happening again. I smile as I recall the memory, his face was so red, then again so was mine probably. I know I'm not supposed to fall for him but... can you blame me? LOOK AT THE GUY. He's sweet, funny, amazing, not to mention beautiful. Honestly the could turn a straight man gay in a second. Wait. Why am I thinking about this again?
I open my closet to look for some clothes which I have VERY few of. I finally decide to wear a green shirt and some baggy sweatpants.
Now, onto business. I need to search the place to find anything that could risk my identity coming to light.
I start with the kitchen, looking in each nook and crany for anything. Nothing so far. I head to the living room. I start looking in corners and under couches and in crack spaces until I find something. Honestly how typical, I find a few books that seemed out of place and pulled on them. It opened up a secret compartment behind the tv in the wall, of course it did. I found in there a pretty nice stash of different guns and knives. I'm impressed Makr, wonder what you use these for.
I close the compartment and and make it so that it looks like this place hasn't been searched. I finally go back upstairs, ive searched everywhere exept Mark's bedroom. Ooooo what naughty stuff is Mr cop man hiding? Lets find out shall we. I creek open the door and see a soft and neat room.
(Be soft and neat... soft and neat... SOFT AND NEAT)
The walls were painted a nice shade of baige with a cream and white coloured bed to match. I start looking under the bed and in the dressers and looking for any other places that might hide anything. My last stop was his closet, I opened it and all I saw was a bunch of clothes. How boring. I push past the clothes to see if narnia was behind them but had no such luck. Before I give up I spot a mysterious shoebox hiding at the back of everything. I pick it up and open it...
There are sex toys in here. Fluffy handuffs, a gag, a VIBRATOR... I'm honestly shook. I bite my lip as my brain involentarily starts think of the things he'd do with these things.
STOP IT JACK. Nows not the time to be thinking of this. I close the box and put it way before leaving Mark's room. I look at the clock, its 5:00 right now. Wow, did it really take that long to search the place. I should probably start on dinner. I head down to the kitchen and start takinh out ingredients for a nice Mac 'n cheese that my ma taught me before...
Anyways, I start by preheating the oven then grating some cheese.
I take out my phone and stick earphones in my ears and listen to music while I work.
I hope Mark likes this.

Mark pov

Why does work have to be so boring. Why do I get but on security duty for a jewelry store instead of woking on the case of an assassination that happened last night. I'm a private detective for christ sake. I should be finding out who the murderer is, not babysitting some diamonds.
"Hehe, you mad bro?" My partner Felix asks me in a joking mocky way. I role my eyes at him, he's a good friend, but damn can he be annoying when he wants to.
"Hey its not so bad, at least now you can spend your whole day with me." I chuckle at him as I reply.
"I'm so blessed, now c'mon, if we're gonna fo this security shit we're gonna do it right." After saying that, felix and I start petrolling the store.
The end of the day finally rolls around and I get to go home. I grab my stuff and head to my car. I wonder what Jack did today.

I get home at about 5:35 and step inside.
"I'm home!" I shout before catching the amazing aroma of pasta and cheese. I head to the kitchen and see Jack just as he bends down to put what I can assume is mac 'n cheese into the oven. I stare at his ass for a moment before clearing my throat. He jumps and turns around to see me. He took out his earphones, and I saw that he was wearing an apron that said 'kiss the cook' on the front of it. Oh how I'd love to.
"Sorry Mark, didn't hear you coming in."
"No problem," I smirk, "Nice apron," I say as he looks down at it and then back up again embarrassed.
"I hope you don't mind, it was the only thing I could find," he said blushing. I bit my lip, oh jesus how you make me flip.
"Not at all, in fact..." I start stepping closer to him, "I'd say it looks rather good on you," I say in a low seductive voice. It was true, the way the apron wrapped tightly around him seemed to show his curvy body way more than normal clothes. I must say it turned me on slighly.
For every step I moved forward he took another step back until he bumped into the counter and couldn't move anywhere else. I trapped him by putting my hands on the counter so he had no way of escaping. I gently pressed my body against him so it pinned him more to the table. He looked up at me with a red face and a sort of shy look on him, he didn't know what to do with his hands so he just rested them on my chest. god does his body feel good against mine. We stare into eachothers eyes and feel our faces get closer and closer. We were so close that our noses were touching.
I started closing the gap and...


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