part 15

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"D-don't move..."


Jack slowly turned his body to be met with a tear stricken Mark, shakily aiming a gun to him.

"Mark... what are yo-"

"Shut up...! Don't make this any harder for me than it already is," Mark croaked.

Jack flinched and slowly lifted his hands in surrender, his brain wracking to find an escape route.

Mark slowly stood up from the bed, his stare never leaving Jack and the gun pointed firmly to him.

Jack could hear footsteps coming close and started panicking, no way in hell was he going down like this.

"Its true isn't it... your the mystery assassin..."

Mark glared at Jack with a mix of anger and pure pain, and it broke Jack's heart to see him like that.

"I'm sorry..." is all Jack could say as he lowered his gaze to the floor, feeling the weight of his crimes beat down on him for the first time.

"Sorry isn't gonna bring back all those innocent lives you took... sorry isn't gonna erase the fact that your a psychotic murderer!"

Jack growled and glared at Mark as he stepped forward, Mark taking a fearful step back.

"Don't you dare call me that, I do not need to be lectured by a cop," even though Jack had venom in his words, his voice still cracked.

The footsteps were coming closer and Jack had to do the unthinkable.

He threw a pillow at Mark to distract him while he bounded to the window.

Mark had him pinned to the wall in no time, the gun pointed to Jack's leg in warning.

Jack smirked as he struggled against the older man, staring him straight in the eyes with a gleam that only a psychopath could muster, "do it, shoot me."

Mark hesitated for a moment, not finding the strength to pull the trigger.

Jack took this as an opportunity to to push the man off him, just as the door burst open with about a dozen of cops.

Jack didn't have enough time to run as his feet were knocked off the ground and he fell to the floor.

Five guys had to keep him still, Jack thrashing and biting around in defense, being able to latch his teeth onto on of the man's arm and clamp down.

The man howled in pain as Jack made no move to let go, until he was hit on the top of the head with a police baton.

Jack was picked up to his feet and his hands were cuffed behind his back, still being sandwiched between the men to keep him under control.

Jack gave up fighting as he saw the look on Mark's face, a look of horror and disgust and pain and so many other emotion, and they were all directed towards him.

Jack hung his head low, the guilt hammering into his heart as they dragged him out the room.

Before they left, Jack got free on the men's grip and ran towards Mark with no intention to hurt him, just wanting feel his touch and hug him for the last time.

Mark stumbled back and flinched as Jack wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, confused at the gesture.

"If we never see each other again, I love you with all of my broken heart. And I wish I had never done something like this that made you look down at me like that."

Jack whispered hastily and kissed the man one last time before being taken off of him. He was knocked out to avoid any further incidents and dragged to the police car.

Mark stood frozen in that spot even after all the cops left. He still loved Jack so much and wished this was all just a stupid dream and he'd just wake up already.

He crumbled to the floor, hugging his body as Jack's lips still tingles on his own.

His heart had shattered, and he felt numb inside, laying down on the floor and staring into nothingness.

He didn't want to believe that Jack, his sweet, innocent and kind boyfriend was an assassin.

Mark curled up into a ball and screamed the pain out, sobbing and shaking profusely.


Jack woke up in a small cell, the walls were padded white and he wore a straight jacket and muzzle.

Jack looked around blankly at the room, he had expect a grimy, disgusting prison cell. But this looked pristine and crisp, a single bed with white sheets was in the corner, instead of cell bars there was just bulletproof glass.

Jack's breath hitched as the image of Mark came into his mind. That face of pure horror haunting his mind.

Jack whimpered softly as he allowed a few tears to fall from his eyes, his heart feeling like it had caved in.

Jack knew he would've found out one day, but it still didn't prepare him enough.

He couldn't stand the fact that he was the reason for Mark's broken heart. All he wanted to do was jump into the man's arms and tell him everything was going to be ok.

But instead, he was sat in a holding cell, miles away from the one he loved.

A sliding door opened and revealed a man wearing a lab coat and holding a pen and clipboard.

"Good morning Sean, is it ok if I call you that?" The man asked sweetly.

"I prefer Jack," he replied in a raspy voice.

The man nodded and closed the door behind him, "we've ran a few tests and have reason to believe that you might have a certain... mental condition that encouraged you to do what you did."

Having your whole family slaughtered in front of you when you were just a kid can mess anyone up, Jack thought.

"Have you had any traumatic experiences when you were young? Family problems, school, bullying?"

Jack sighed, deciding it was best to finally tell someone the method in his madness.

So, for the first time, he spoke about that dreadful day that had altered his state of mind for the rest of his life.


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