Part 8

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Mark pov

Jack was amazing tonight, he saved both our lives without even any hesitation. His moves we're expertly executed like he'd been trained the moves a million times. If we were in a ruff n tumble together he'd probably have me on the ground with my arms twisted in mere seconds. But that face he made, I couldn't get it out of my head. Let me tell you if looks could kill, I'd be dead on the floor the second he looked at me. I go and sit down in the living room and just sit and contemplate the events that happened tonight. My thoughts are interrupted with Jack coming down the stairs, wearing a shirt that said Berlin on it, it outlined his curves and made him look so sexy, so much that it took a lot of willpower to get my eyes off his hips as they moved.
"Like what you see? " he teased, obviously noticing my staring. I looked away and tried laughing it off, my face going blood red.
He chuckles and turns around to head to the kitchen, purposely swaying his hips, and me being a weak baby, I couldn't resist staring at his them. I bit my lip, daaaaaaaamn, he fiiiiiine.
"What you want to eat?"
"You," I mumble out unintentionally.
"What was that?" He asked.
"Oh, I said anything will do," I cover up my mistake.
"Burgers it is!" He says taking out some patties from the freezer. He bent down to get them, showing me his backside perfectly. Jesus he's really working on my nerve, its now or never, I have to make a move. He puts the patties on the counter and starts making a bast. I stand up, taking the chance now since he was facing away from me.


I knew Mark was staring at me the moment I came down the stairs. So I thought fook it, lets give him a show to make him more frustrated. I purposely swayed my hips and purposely put my ass in the air for him to see. I could feel his eyes roaming my body and I loved how it drove him crazy. Am I a tease? Yes
Do I like it? Very much.
I start working on the bast for the patties and consentrate on mixing the spices and sauces properly.
I get caught off guard as a pair of arms cage me in, I could feel his hot breath on my neck, giving my skin goosebumps. I slowly turn around to find Mark inches away from my face, I could see the dominant lust clouding his eyes, making me want to melt in his arms.
"You've been teasing me for way too long Jack," he growls in a husky voice that made me silently groan.
"Oh yeah? So what are you gonna do about it... officer?" I challenge, making sure to say officer especially seductive.
He licks his lips and stares down at me like I'm his prey, which to be honest I don't mind at all.
Before I could react he smashes his lips onto mine, my hands immediately fly up to his hair, deepening the kiss even more. He licks my lips to ask for entrance, I cheekily deny him. Frustrated he grinds his hips against mine, making me open my mouth and let out a small moan. He takes that chance and darts his tongue into my mouth, him obviously winning the battle for dominance. We part for air, he moves his hands to my ass and squeezes them, I let out a cute squeek which makes him smile.
"I'm sorry sir but your under arrest for theft," he teases taking out handcuffs.
"But officer I'm innocent, what did I steal?" I play along.
"My heart," he says clicking the cuffs on my wrist, I blush while smiling. Does he really mean that?
"And yes I really mean it," he says clearly seeing my doubtful face.
"Well... its a good thing I feel the same then isn't it," his face lit up the moment I said that and he brought me into another kiss.
"Now, would you be so kind as to give me the key to unlock the cuffs," I ask sweetly.
He smirks a devilish smile that makes me shiver.
"What this?" I asks holding up the key, a moment later he slips them in his pants and underwear.
"Your gonna have to get it yourself without using your hands if you wanna be uncuffed," he says evily. He knows exactly what he was doing. He unbuckles his jeans and pulls them down, he holds my hands up and waits for me to do the rest. Ooooh your playing a very dangerous game Markimoo. I slowly glide down his body until I reach his underwear. I latch my teeth onto the strap, making sure they graze his skin as I pull down. As soon as I have his underwear down, his length pops out in front of me. Jesus that's big, I think as my eyes widen when they land on it. Without thinking I give the tip and small lick, making Mark tense up as I do so. I smirk, I had the upper hand now. Completely forgeting about the key I start licking up and down his length, earning all sorts of sounds from Mark. I suddenly take his whole length in my mouth and start sucking hard, Mark let out a large moan and attached his fingers to my hair, trying to make me go faster. I go painfully slow, torturing him with my slow licks around his dick and hard sucks. I'm suddenly pulled to my feet and layed down on my stomach on the counter. Mark starts ripping off his shirt and then starts to fumble with my belt buckle. He stops himself and looks at me.
"This isn't too much is it? we can stop whenever you feel too uncomfortable."
I let out a raspy laugh, "lay it on me officer," I wink to him. He needed no more motivation, he quickly got to work and in seconds had all my clothes off. He leaned down so his face was in line with my hole, he went closer and started licking it, I let out a sharp moan. He kept licking at it until his tongue penetrated my hole making me go wild, I started rocking back so I was riding his face.
"M-... more~" I moan out pleasureably as he continues to eat me out. He stands up and I whine from the loss of something in me.
"Dont worry baby, ill give you something even better in a moment," he groans out, spitting on his hands and rubbing it on his dick to serve as lube.
I whine impatiently and lift my ass up then start grinding the counter to cause friction.
He takes my hips and lines himself up with my hole. His tip enters me slowly and then the rest of him until his balls were touching my ass. He gives me a second to adjust to his size before I wiggle my hips, indicating him to move. He starts going in and out very slowly, so torturingly slow. Then he started picking up pace, taking his dick out almost all the way then slamming it back in again.
"F-faah~ster... p-please," I moan out and he gladly obliges. He soon hit a bundle of nerves that had me screaming out his name.
"M-mark! Right there!... oh god yes!"I yell out, he aims for that spot and rams into it each time, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.
"C-call me daddy, kitten," he moans out into my ear.
"Daahh~... d-daddy m-more please~," I plead out. He takes my dick into his hand and starts pumping it, making me roll my eyes back in pleasure.
"Cum for me kitten," he whispers and I spray out my seed on the counter, seeing white spots. His climax follows soon after and he cums inside me, filling me to the brim. He thrusts in a few more times to ride out our orgasms before coming to a stop. He takes his dick out, making the cum drip out my ass as he collapses on top of me on the counter.
"You were amazing kitten," he panted out, I nodded before resting my head on the counter.
"I think its time for bed," I let out an agreeing hum, he picks up the key and unlocks my cuffs before throwing them on the ground. He turned me around and picks me up so that my legs were wrapped around his waist. He carried me upstairs and took me into his bedroom. He lay me down on the bed then lay next to me, covering us with the blanket.
"Good night kitten."
"Good night daddy."
"Love you," I hesitated when he said that. No one has said those words to me in very very long time.
I smile, "love you too," I yawn and cuddle up to him. He holds me close to his body and I soon drift to sleep by the sound of his steady breathing and his warm body.

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