part three B

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Hi my little nekos.
I'm really really sorry I haven't updated in so long, its literally been a whole month 😂haha ha... he😔
So that's why you get an extra long chapter today😁
Ill try my best to updated more.
Reeeeaaallly sorry
I love you all!!
Jack pov

I was so tense.
What if he finds out who I am, I don't want that. On the outside I'm calm while I watch the movie but on the inside I was screaming and freaking out.
OK Jack
You can get through this night, don't fook up.
"Hey are you ok? you seem a little tense," I hear Mark ask me, noticing that I haven't reacted to anything that's happened in the movie. I snap out of my daze and look at him. "Hm? Oh sorry, just... thinking," I say coming up with the best excuse I could in the moment.
"Of what?" god why must he be so fookin NOSEY! I wrack my brain to think of something.
"I mean, not that you have to tell me if its too personal or something," he says looking at me concerned. I give a small smile, "its nothing really important, just a little home sick is all." Good excuse, I curl into a bit of a ball, now that I think of it, I am a little homesick.
I suddenly feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I grab the arm on instinct and get ready to break it before I realise its Mark.
"... I-im so sorry Mark, I didn't mean to," I say quickly letting go of his arm before I snap it.
"Its ok," he says while rubbing the part I grabbed.
"I lived in a dodgy neighborhood so I always had to stay on my toes," true, but also because the only time someone touched me was to kill me. I therefore had to return the favour.
"I understand," he says warmly before looking back to the TV, I do to and we stay like that for a while. After about 15 minutes I feel an arm wrap around me again, this time more slow and cautious. I jump up a bit startled but calm down and let the arm rest on my shoulder. I look up at him as he pulls me a bit closer to his side, he looks back. I don't know who was doing it, but our faces were somehow getting closer by the second. I was in a daze and despite him being a cop, I didn't stop it. Our lips were now inches away from each other, my eyes started fluttering closed and so did his.
*jumpscare noises
Oooooo spooopyyy*
We both jump back from the jumpscare, coming out of the daze and looking away embarrassed. Both our faces were red and the air seemed more awkward now. I smiled a little as I saw his cute embarrassed face out the corner of my eye.
Oh god if only he wasn't a cop.
Some time passes and I start dozing off, I lean onto Mark's chest and fall asleep.

Mark pov

The movie was over and I was about to speak before I heard little snores. I look down to see Jack had fallen asleep on my chest. Awwww
He's so cute when he sleeps. I decide it'd be rude to wake him up so I slowly get up and pick him up bridal style. I walk upstairs into his room and lay him down on his bed. I take his shirt and shoes off.
(    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)   )
I was just about to leave before a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, I turn to see Jack sitting and holding onto me.
"Markymoo... could you maybe... stay with me... u-until I fall asleep?" He asks in a sleepy and kind of embarrassed voice. I smile as I start to take my shirt and shoes off.
"Of course I will," I say as I climb in bed next to him. I immediately feel a pair of arms wrap around me as I lay down. I saw jack curling up into a ball, hugging himself into my chest in his sleep. I hold him in my arms as well as I lay my head down, breathing in his intoxicating scent.
"Good night Jackaboy," I say starting to fall asleep.
"Good night Markimoo," I hear him say in his sleep.
And soon after I am also taken into the world of sleep.

Jack pov

I woke up the next morning, remembering the events from last night made me smile.
Wait. Why am I smiling?
It's not like I like Mark or anything, do I?
I realise that there was a warmth on my back and on instinct I immediately tense up. I slowly turn around to be face to face with a beautifully tanned chest. I look up to see Mark's peaceful, sleeping face, I start blushing, he looks so beautiful when he's sleeping. I snuggle closer to his chest for some reason and try falling back asleep.
Suddenly I feel arms wrap around my waist, I knew he was still sleeping and it was just by accident, but it still made my heart skip and made my mind fanboy scream.
I hear him start to stir and I pretend I'm asleep. I hear him yawn and the feel his gaze apon me, I feel the arms wrapped around me tighten.
He brings me closer and lays down again, I internally smile as I fall back asleep.

Time skip

I wake up a few hours later, but Mark wasn't in bed anymore. At that moment I start smelling beautiful smells from the kitchen. I slowly stand up and walk downstairs to see Mark cooking fried eggs, bacon and pancakes.
"Hey, I thought we made a deal that I would cook," I said sassily putting my hands on my hips.
"Well Good morning to you too then. I decided since it was your first full day living here, that I'd make the food," he says while plating the food and turning on the coffee machine.
"Fine. But only for today," I say before taking my plate and sitting by the bar table connected to the kitchen.
"How do you like your coffee?"
"Black with three sugars please," I said.
He did exacly that before giving me the cup, I thanked him then took a large gulp of that beautiful bean juice.
He sat next to me and we started eating, we started up conversation quite easily, asking eachother random questions and stuff.
It's amazing how well we got along. But just because he's being nice to me and unfortunately, slowly making me trust him more, don't think for a second I'm gonna let my guard down. Especially now that I know he's a cop.
When we were finished eating I stand up and clear both our plates and cups and take them to the sink and start washing the plates.
"Hey I'm gonna take a shower  be right back," he says before heading upstairs.
When I'm finished the dishes I head upstairs as well and go into my room.
I opened the loose floorboard and checked if all me supplies was still there, just to be sure.
I hear footsteps head towards the door so I guickly closed the floorboard and lung onto my bed and take my phone out, pretending to be browsing the Internet.
"Hey you can take a shower if you want, the bathroom's open," Mark says as he opens the door.
I notice that he only has a towel wrapped around his waist. For a moment I stare at his tanned chest, watching a water droplet slide down it. I blush slightly before looking up at him again and smiling.
"Ok thanks," I say a bit squeaky, he nods and then closes the door and walks away.
I flop onto my stomach and silently scream into the pillow.
Holy fook he's hot, I think I might be developing feelings for him.
Shit, this can't be happening, if I would be in a relationship with him, a cop, I'd basically be signing my life away.
Plus, he probably doesn't feel the same anyway.
My chest hurts a bit at that thought, I get up off the bed and walk out the door to the bathroom.
I turn on the shower and start stripping down, I step into the gentle downpour of water and let my thoughts consume me.
When I'm done, I step out and wrap a towel round my waist and look for my clothes.
Wait a minute... I forgot to bring clothes with me... DAMMIT.
I silently open the door and look around to see if Mark was anywhere.
All clear, I book it to my room.
But before I could get there Mark suddenly comes around the corner and I bump straight into him.
We both fall down, him falling on top of me, my towel falling off in the process.
I'm dazed for a second before I look up to meet his chocolate brown eyes, we stare at eachother for a moment before I remember how nude I am.
My face turns completely red and so does his as he scrambles off of me, continuously apologing while I grab my towel and cover myself.
"I-I-its ok, n-no worries," I stutter before running the rest of the way to my room and slamming the door shut.
I slip down to the floor holding my knees to my chest.
My cheeks were a crimson red and I was internally screaming, he just saw- no, felt my naked body.
I felt something weird at the pit of my stomach, I look down and sure enough,my crotch was hard as stone.
Great, now I have to deal with this.

Mark pov

I just stood there in the corridor for a second after Jack went into his room, good holy fuck was he good looking.
I could feel his whole body for a second, even the... Lower regions, I looked down and saw I had an erection.
Well that's just dandy, I sigh as I go into my room and take care of the problem.


And there we leave them, jacking off for the same reason at the same time.
I'll stop now.
Anyways thank you all so much for reading this story I hope you all enjoyed it.
Leave a comment and vote if you did.
Also follow me for some more septiplier filled fanfic.
But anyways thanks again for reading this story and I will see you in the next chapter.
TTFN, tata for now!!!

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