part 12

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Jack pov

We both settled on watching a new horror movie called A Quiet Place. Mark and I go sit down somewhere in the middle of the theatre with a bowl of popcorn and two shakes.
The movie was fun, and I, to Mark's horror, laughed at all the jumpscares.
"Imma run to the bathroom real quick," I whisper to him while getting up.
"Hurry up," he whispers back in a frightened tone. I chuckle at him before leaving the theatre and going into the men's room.
Once I was done my business I walk to the door.
I'm suddenly pinned to the wall with my hands held tightly and my legs too by a scruffy looking man.
I was sure I was alone in the bathroom, how did I not notice him?! It must be because of being around Mark so much. He's taken down all my defenses, making me calm instead of on high alert at all times. I try my best to shake him off but he holds me down firmly.
"Ooo I've had my eyes on you for quite a while precious," the man whispers before licking the side of my jaw.
"Let go of me now and I'll consider letting you live," I growl, making myself as intimidating as possible.
He chuckles,"try," he challenges as his hands travel down my side. I start thrashing and kicking him off Me, only for my legs to be held down and his hand gripping my throat and squeezing. I try my best not to cough out, not wanting to give this bastard the satisfaction.
"Aw, your too pretty to hurt," he swoons, his grip slightly loosening as he continues to kiss my jaw with his slimy tongue.
"S-stop," I whisper a bit less intimidating which makes him smirk.
"Your so adorable baby," he bites down hard on my shoulder and I let out an unintentional whimper.
"I wanna devour you so badly, maybe I can when we get back to your new home," he whispers seductively and I let out a panicked breath. The thought of being taken by this guy and probably never being able to leave, never seeing Mark again gave me shivers. I let a small tear slip down my cheek, I haven't felt so... helpless in such a long time.
His hands start to travel into my shirt and brush over my chest, then going down to play with the waistband of my underwear.
I hated this feeling, the feeling of his hands exploring my body when it wasn't his to explore. I hated the feeling of being pinned down and not being able to help myself. I wanted it to stop, please... make it stop.

Mark pov

Jack was taking a really long time in the bathroom and I was getting worried. I should probably go see if he was ok, I quickly slip out the theatre and walk to the bathroom. Before I opened the door I could hear noises from the other side. I placed my ear to the door and heard pained whimpers and silent cries. I get out the gun that I always keep with me and kick in the door. As I do, two figures turn to me, one being an old, grubby looking man and two being Jack, looking broken and fragile. I growl before running in and pointing the gun towards the man.
"CPD, put the man down sir!" I shout, full cop mode activating as I took out my badge. He pushes away from the wall, Jack practically crumbling to the ground and curling into a ball. The man faced me with a smirk as he held his hands up in surrender.
"Now now officer, no need to get hasty here," I immediately get my cuffs out and go to the man. I clip a cuff on one of his wrists and he suddenly turns around, knee kicking me in the stomach. I fall back as he puts distance between us. I take out my gun and point it to him, just as quickly, he picks up Jack and holds him against his chest.
"Go on, you won't shoot your precious little boyfriend," he smirks challengingly. I hold my gun firmly as He licks the back of Jack's ear, making him whimper. He slips out a dagger from his jacket and holds it to Jacks side, hovering it dangerously close to his exposed skin. Tears roll down Jack's face as he visibly shakes in the man's arms.
"Now... I'm gonna walk out slowly, and your gonna stay here until we're gone... understood?" He asks, gripping Jack harder. I reluctantly nod, growling as I set my gun down. The man smiles as he slowly walks backwards, Jack trying his best to get free but not being able to do much with a knife at his side. He turns his head to open the door and I take that chance to pick up my gun and shoot his exposed calf. He let's out a cry and falls down, holding his leg. Jack begins to sway before falling down, I run to him and catch him before he hits the ground.
"Jack... hey baby, it's ok I've got you," I say panicky, brushing hair out of his face. He looks up at me with fearful but dull eyes, still shaking like a leaf.
"M-mark... He... He t-touched me... all over... I felt so useless, i couldn't do anything he-"
"Shhh, it's ok love, don't think about him, think about me," I hold his cheek in my hand. He breaks down and cries in my arms, curling closer to my warmth. I've never seen Jack look so fragile and weak, it honestly scared me a little. The man tried to sit up and run away until I held the gun to him, fighting back the tears as I glared at the erk that hurt my Jack.
"You stay right there," I growl, reaching over and taking the cuff, looping it around the sink pipe and cuffing his other hand.
I called the police station and the came as quick as they could.
"You are under arrest for attempted sexual assult, you have the right to remain silent," I spit as the other officers drag him away. I look back down to Jack who has surprisingly fallen asleep in my arms. I pick him up gently, his body feeling like glass that could break at any moment.
I take him home and place him gently in bed, taking off his shoes, shirt and jeans then dressing him in his PJ'S.
I lay down next to him and pull him close to me, hugging him protectively. He balls my shirt in his fist and cuddles closely to me. I finally start to drift off to sleep, keeping my sweet little green bean safe throughout the night.

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