part 19

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I'm sick
It's late
But who cares
Onto the chapter!


Today was the day.

Today was the day that Mark could finally be free with his lover.

The pliers Mark had ordered from the Black Market had finally arrived at his home. He was going over to the mental ward to tell Jack the amazing news. He drove right outside the spot they were going to escape at and hid the pliers in his coat.

Mark hopped out of his car and hasted towards the building's front door. He tried not to walk to briskly so he didn't seem suspicious but couldn't help the occasional hop of excitement in his stride.

"Hey Mark, you seem excited today," Bill, the receptionist, said with a grin as Mark checked in. The half Asian froze a bit and wracked his brain for a plausible explanation.

"Oh yeah, I had a lot of fun with my girlfriend last night and I guess it's showing through today," he said with a grin. The sentence made him internally gag and shudder in disgust. The only person he would ever have fun with would be Jack.

"Ma man!" Bill cheered and high fives him. Mark chuckled and went back to speed walking towards Jack's cell. He groaned as he was stopped again by a slutty co-worker, Ashley, who always flirted with him.

"Hey there Marky, you're pretty early today, that psycho you're taking care of isn't awake yet. Why don't you come home with me and we can... hang out," she purred into Mark's ear and made sure he had a clear view of her cleavage. The whole act just made Mark want to vomit more. And maybe also bitch slap her for calling his baby a psycho.

She was right... but fuck her that's why.

He plastered on a smile and shook his head, "I'm quite alright thank you. Jack and I have a lot of work to do," he gently pushed her off him, receiving a irritated grumble. Mark sped past her, showing her countless middle fingers in his mind.

He grabbed a tray of breakfast to show that he actually was doing something instead of just walking into Jack's cell randomly.

Jack was still fast asleep on the floor, curled up next to a green eyeball plush toy. He never liked sleeping on the bed, said it was too hard and had lumps everywhere.

Mark switched the cameras to a pre-recording and kneeled in front of him, "baby. Wake up, I have good news." Jack mumbled a bit as he stirred and looked up at his lover, "Marky? What are you doing here so early?"

"I'm here to bust you out, right now," Mark could hardly contain his excitement. Jack gasped, now fully awake and tackled the older in a hug. Mark started tearing up from happiness as he hugged back, spinning Jack around.

Jack giggled as he was spun and showered Mark in kisses, "I'm so happy! We'll be together again!" He wiped the tears away and connected their foreheads. Jack couldn't help the small tears that left his eyes too. He was just do damn happy that he would be able to be with Mark once more. Forever.

They both giggled happily and Mark pulled the smaller into the most loving kiss they've shared in months. Jack wrapped his arms tight around Mark's neck while Mark wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist.

"We should probably go before this kiss gets heated," they chuckled and Mark nodded, taking his hand and leading him to the table. He helped Jack into his straight jacket and muzzle. They needed to look as little suspicious as possible if this was to work.

The cell door suddenly opened just as Mark and Jack were about to leave. They froze as a doctor came in with a tray full of medicine bottles and a glass of water.

"Good morning Sean, Mark. What are you doing here so early?" He asked with a kind smile that was clearly fake and a raised eyebrow.

Mark gulped and his mind raced for a reason while Jack slowly drifted behind Mark, giving the doctor hostile eyes. Right now he was the only thing standing in front of them and their freedom. He wouldn't hesitate to pounce on him and scratch his eyes out.

"Uh... well I just decided to come in bright and early because I thought... Jack hasn't seen the sunrise in so long and I want him to experience it again." Mark high fives himself for his quick thinking.

The reason seemed to satisfy the doctor as he let out a small huff, going deeper into the room to set the tray down.

"Well, we've made some new medication that we want Sean to try out. It'll make him more... docile," he shot a small glare towards Jack who gladly returned it. "Can't it wait for after we watch the sunrise maybe?" Mark asked a bit desperately. They did not need Jack to be high on stupid calming drugs when they were making their grand escape.

"Absolutely not, he needs to take them now," the doctor held out three huge pills and a glass of water to Jack. He looked at them hesitantly. Drugs like these always had side effects on him. Always made him see things that weren't there. Things that weren't kind to him and tormented his sanity.

Jack stared at the pills and began breathing heavily. These things would stop them. They wouldn't be able to escape with these eating down his mind. He suddenly slapped them out of the doctor's hand, "no!" Jack shoved him onto the bed and dragged Mark out the room, closing the door and locking the doctor in behind him.

Everything happened so fast that Mark could barely comprehend what had happened. Mark looked into the tinted window to see the doctor banging on the door. He ran around frantically, searching for a way to get out. Jack was panting as he stared through the window at the man with such resent and anger, veins popped out his forehead.

The doctor got a button out his pocket and pressed it multiple times. Not a moment later, red lights flashed everywhere and sirens blared throughout the hospital. Mark could hear teams of security guards coming towards them.

He grabbed onto Jack's hand and squeezed it gently.
"No turning back now," Jack mumbled and squeezed back. In a flash, they were sprinting down different halls, the security close behind. They burst through the doors to the outside just as the first rays of sunlight bled into the sky. But there was no time now to admire the beauty of it.

They threw themselves through the deserted lawn and made it under the cover of bushes just as security burst outside. Squads of people began searching around the place for the two run aways. Jack never let go of Mark's hand as they crawled to their place of escape.

Mark fumbled with the pliers nervously, his hands starting to sweat from the pressure of getting caught. Jack rolled his eyes and grabbed the pliers, "leave it to the professional." He cut up the fense in a few snips and Jack could practically smell freedom as he gazed apon Mark's car that was waiting for them.

"Show off," Mark mumbled and Jack gave a small chuckle. They both froze as a security guard began searching in the bushes. The man couldn't see them, but he was right next to the crouching two. They kept as still as possible, praying the man would just give up and pass by.

And he was just about to walk away, until he spotted the gaping hole in the fence and walked closer to it.

"Hm, I wonder what this is," the voice above them said in a mocking tone. Mark closed his eyes in fear and Jack stared forward as the man's gaze slowly turned from the hole to the two beneath him.


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