Part 11

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Jack pov

I latch onto his neck as he sits up, bringing me up too so I'm sitting on his lap. I slowly take his shirt off, gliding my hands over his perfectly built body and removing the piece of clothing. I hold onto his strong shoulders and nibble down on his neck. His hands roam my back as he lets out groans and sighs. I stop and look up at him with my most innocent kitten eyes.
"Aw you know I cant handle those eyes," he whines, I feel a small poke on my inner thigh, indicating that he's excited. I start to bounce up and down, making the fabric of his pants to shift and move, he lets out a pleasured moan. He takes a hold of my hips to stop me, he fumbles with my pants and underwear before slowly taking them off. My length pops out as I am completely naked now. He grabs a hold of my ass and squeezes it making me let out a needy whimper.
He finally takes off his own clothing and lets me sit right where his length was pressed against my ass.
"I wanna hear you scream for me baby," he whispers against my neck. As he says that, he lifts me up and plunges me down onto his dick. I grip his shoulders and let out a yell of both pain and pleasure. He waits for me to get used to the feeling before I start to slightly bounce up and down. He begins to harshly thrust into my hole while still biting on my neck. I let out sinful sounds right into his ear, encouraging him to go faster. He soon finds my prostate and as he hits it, I arch my back and scream.
"Oh god yes~… right there M-mark!~" I moan out and he continues to abuse that bundle of nerves. I start to bounce up and down in rythm to his thrusts, making his length go in deeper. I'm fast approaching my climax and my bounces get sloppy and drool starts to come out my mouth. He suddenly pulls out and lets me fall on the bed. I let out a pained whimper from not being able to release and look up at him pleadingly.
"Beg for me baby," he whispers, shuffling back and waiting. I whimper and try touching him but he moves away.
"Beg, and I'll give you whatever you want love," he cooes seductively in his deep voice, just the sound making me moan. I get on all fours and crawl towards him, my needy ass high in the air.
I look up at him with drool coming out my mouth and make myself look like a cat.
"P-please master... I n-need you," I stutter, my insides still messed up from not being able to release. As soon as I say that pre cum immediately starts flowing out of his length as he picks me up and lays me on my back.
"Your so beautiful when you beg," he growls before slamming himself into me again. I grip his shoulders as I scream louder than before, he takes a hold of my neglected cock and starts to pump it. I let out loud moans and slurred pleas for him to go faster and harder. I soon get to my climax and try my best not to cum yet.
"Gonna... c-c..."
"Me too love," he moans into my ear. A few more thrusts and I'm sent over the edge, my eyes rolling back in ecstacy. I feel him cum in me moments after and let out a moan as he fills me up. He snaps his hips a few more times to ride out our orgasms before collapsing on top of me. I hug him, my arms and legs wrapping around him as I cuddle warmly. He hugs back, slowly pulling out, cum starts to drip out my hole and he chuckles. He gets some tissue paper that was next to the bed and started to clean the mess up. He throws the tissues on the table and wraps me in a blanket of his arms. I feel safe and content in his arms, I nuzzle my nose to his chest and close my eyes.
"Do you wanna do something today," he asks, kissing the top of my head.
I nod, thinking for a moment of what we could do.
"We could go watch a movie," I suggest, looking up at him.
"Hmmm.... sounds good! So we're going to the movies but... for now we're just gonna cuddle for a bit," he says, throwing the blanket over our naked bodies. I smile and close my eyes, starting to drift off once more, breathing in his scent as I fall asleep.

*a few hour later *

"C'mon love, if you don't wake up now we're gonna miss our movie," Mark smiles, kissing me all over to wake me up. I giggle before gently batting him away, "I'm up I'm up," I say, pushing him playfully out of the way to get up. I stand up and start to walk to the bathroom to shower when I suddenly get an idea.
"Wanna join me?" I ask innocent but seductive, looking over my shoulder to him. He smirks before getting up and walking up behind me. He holds me by the waist and we walk along, "don't mind if I do."
I turn on the shower and wait for the water to get to a comfortable warmth. When I turn around I see Mark completely stripped. He stalks towards me and holds me by the hips, then slowly dragging his hands up, taking my shirt with it. He continues to help me until I am completely naked, he brings me closer into a kiss. Not a heated kiss that was filled with lust, more of a soft loving kiss.
We step into the shower and I crack open the shampoo, putting some in my hand then starting to massage his scalp. When he's rinsed it off he does the same to me and I practically melt as his hands lather the soapy liquid into my hair.

*time skip to after shower cause y'all have already read enough action today ;) *

We both finish getting dressed, having washed all the sex off our skins and smelling as fresh as rain. We go downstairs and walk out the door. He opens my car door for me and I thank him before getting in.
"Onto movies!" He yells and I giggle at his excitedness.


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