part 16

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Mark woke up with a painful groan, gripping his head as the migraine pounded his brain. He had a sore neck and aching limbs from falling asleep on the couch for the fifth night in a row, the bottle of scotch still gripped in his other hand.

Since Jack was taken, Mark had spent most of his nights sitting in front of the tv, abusing his liver from the alcohol he ingested. His boss had agreed to let him have a week off, understanding how hard it must be for him. Mark hasn't showered in days, barely eaten save for the few occasions he ordered pizza or just cooked up some ramen noodles.

He missed Jack so much, all he ever thought about now was how it would be if this weren't real. His kind hearted little green bean in his arms, not caring about anything in the world except each other.

But that's only a fantasy. One that Mark would much prefer to live in than the horrible reality he was stuck in now.

His phone rang and he let out a groan, the sound piercing his ears and only encouraging his headache. He looked at his phone to see his boss's contact.

"What?" He grumbled when he picked it up.

"Hey Mark, we got some news about Jack that we think you might wanna hear."

"To be honest sir, I don't really wanna hear it," Mark said coldly while rubbing the sleep out his eyes.

"I get that your still sad about what ha-"

"Sad doesn't even begin to describe it... Now I'd you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to," Mark cut in and put down the phone.

He lied, he didn't really have any business to attend to, he just needed to hang up before his boss heard him begin to cry.

His phone dinged and Mark saw a message from his boss, looking like a report. Sighing, Mark opened the message to read it.

Sean William McLaughlin
Age: 28
Height: 5ft 8
Sex: male
Diagnosis: traumatic childhood leading to bloodlust
Additional notes: when Sean was still very young, his entire family had been murdered in front of him. Sean claims that the sight "snapped" something inside him that encouraged him in his murderous intent.

Mark read over it a few times, not believing his eyes. He started to think about the hardships Jack must've gone through. How dare someone hurt his baby so much?!

Mark tried to sort through his thoughts as he made a decision, getting his boss's contact and calling him.

"I'm guessing you saw the report," his boss said when he answered.

"I'm quitting the police force," Mark said bluntly, leaving the other man silent for a moment.

"Are you sure, I mean-"

"I'm sure," Mark interrupted, "can you tell me which hospital Jack's being held at?"

He sighed softly, and told him after some time. Mark thanked him happily and hung up.

For the first time in days, he felt hope rush through him, jumping off the couch and going to have a shower.

When he was done, he got dressed, brushed his hair and teeth. He actually looked decent, save for the bags under his eyes but that can't be helped.

He grabbed his car keys and jogged out the house.

He was going to get a job there. He was going to see Jack again.


It's been about a week since Jack's been put into this hellhole called a mental hospital. He honestly would've preferred a prison, it was too clean here, his every breath was monitored. He had people come in to take care of him, scaring most of them off by either pouncing on them or threatening to kill them.

Apparently he was gonna get a new care taker today, Jack will make sure to add their name to the list of about ten other people that tried, and failed to tame him.

He wasn't allowed to leave his little cell, so he was forced to stare at the white cushioned walls every second of the day. If he wasn't crazy before, he definitely would be now.

Jack heard the automatic sliding door open, his deadpan expression moving over to the doctor he'd met before.

"Good morning Jack, how are you today?" He asked with a smile plastered on his face.

"I feel great doc, I love staring at the wall 24/7," Jack replied sarcastically.

"Oh come now, you know it's your own fault you can't leave this room into the commons room. We all remember what happened last time," he said gently, with a hint of accusing.

"That asshole was practically looking for shit! I merely defended myself," Jack spat as he crossed his arms.

"Jack, you scratched off most of the skin on his face and pulled out almost all his hair," the doctor sighed.

Jack rolled his eyes and looked away, "why are you even here anyways?"

"I've just come to remind you that you'll be getting a new care taker. Please be nice to this one, at least for a day or two so we don't have to keep looking for people."

Jack scowled at him and shrugged, "depends on if they piss me off or not," he replied coldly.

The doctor sighed once more, "he'll be here later today," was all he said before leaving the room, leaving Jack alone with the walls again.

Well at least Jack would have a little entertainment to keep him sane for a while, seeing that he couldn't attend to his urges anymore.

It was about two hours before the door opened again, Jack was sitting on the floor, against the wall with his eyes closed, not bothering to open them when he heard the new pair of steps enter the cell.

There was a slight scrape of the metal chair as the person moved it in front of Jack and sat. From what he could tell, the chair was about two meters away, he could easily pounce on whoever it was.

It was silent for a few minutes as Jack felt eyes study his facial features, which made him quite uncomfortable.

This new care taker was definitely strange, no one has ever just sat in the same room with Jack without any protection. Were they not informed that he was literally capable of killing them?

Jack started to think the person had fallen asleep or something until he finally broke the silence in the room.

"You haven't changed a bit," the baritone, velvety smoothness of the man's voice rang into Jack's ears, making his heart clench and his eyes immediately shoot open.



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