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I screamed so loud I think my brother could've heard me. "Woah! Calm down, calm down." Yugyeom told me. "What the hell Yugyeom! How'd you even get in here?" I look up at him from my bed. He wore a hat with a black sleeved t-shirt and jeans.

"The ladder." He pointed to the window with his thumb. There's a ladder?? No wonder everyone thought I would sneak out from here..
"Aish..next time give me a warning please?" I sit up straight.

"Uhm..I did. I sent you like, 5 text messages. What were you doing?" He asked. I looked around like I was guilty. He tilt his head with a You better tell me face.
"Obsessing over korean men."

Yugyeom stared at me. I stared at him. ...

"Okay." He shrugs, and sit next to me. "Why'd you come anyway?" I ask, sitting criss cross next to him. "Well if you checked the messages..I wanted to ask you for some advice." He says. "Ooo!" i get excited and rub my hands together. He roll his eyes.

"Minseo..this is serious."

"Okay...i'm listening." I shift in my seat. "So. The girl you met at the party? Well, somewhat. Turns out she's not as snobby as we thought. She was just drunk. And we saw each other again yesterday and hung out for the whole day! She said I seemed like a great friend, but..I don't know I feel something else." Yugyeom explains.

I squeal. "Aah! My giant baby is in love!!"

"Okay, calm down."

I sat back down. "How do I get her to like me?" He asks.
"I think she likes you already."


"If she willingly spent the whole entire day with you, then she likes you. You think if I didn't like a guy that I would put any effort in him whatsoever?"

"But, what if she's just nice?"

"Hm. Let's see shall we? If she's just nice, then she would never text you back or ever try to get in contact with you again. Check your messages." I point to his pocket. "Hm. I didn't go through them except when I texted you." He says, taking his phone out of his pocket.

I just smiled. I got behind him and we both stared at his screen as he went to his messages with her.
And we saw.

Kim: I had fun yesterday..call me when you wanna hang out sometime!

Yugyeom smiled brightly. "See? I was right!" I shook his by the shoulders. He put his phone away. "You were....but wait! What if she doesn't like how I am?" Yugyeom looked at me, concerned.

I roll my eyes.

"Yugyeom. You kissed me before. On the lips. Me. Im Minseo. If that isn't smooth than I don't know what is." I shake my head.

He looks down and smiles to himself.

About the kiss...

Long story.

Then I started to cringe.
"Aish..when you go on a date, don't wear hats. You're unattractive in them." I stared at his hat. "Wha- Not true." He held onto it. "It is true. Give it to me." I reached for it.

He ducked down. "Nooo.." He whined. "Sheesh..this baby. Give it!" I charged for it again. He stood up. I did too. I started chasing him in my room. "Yah Yugyeom!"
"Nooo..!" He whined again.

I was right in front of him, reaching up for his hat. That's when I finally grabbed it from his head. "Yah!" He yelled. Uh oh. I was laughing like a maniac. When I was trying to get away from him, I tripped and fell on my bed.

Yugyeom crawled up on top of me to get his hat back. We both laughed at playful fun. But even still, Yugyeom was on top of me. And it didn't matter to us because we were friends. But it sure mattered to someone else.

Suddenly, Youngjae burst through my door and was shocked at the sight of us. His mouth was open and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"What is going on here????!!" He shrieked. I stared at him. Sweat almost rolling down. "Uh...hi?"

Youngjae points at Yugyeom. "Who're you??"
Yugyeom smiles awkwardly. "I uh think I should be going now." Yugyeom got from off of me and slowly backed to the window. Youngjae grit his teeth.
Then Youngjae started going for Yugyeom, but he had already climbed down the latter. Youngjae quickly closed my window.

"Dramatic much?" I mutter, still on my bed. "Are you serious Minseo??" He turns back around to me. "What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you really going to do that when i'm right downstairs?? Do you think I want to hear you doing that??"

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