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"I can't- I can't hear.."

"JAEBUM?? I'm in the airport can you hear me now?"

"I can't- Hahaha..just kidding it's my voicemail. Leave a message after the beepity boop."


I squeezed my phone in my hand. I'm so going to kill Jaebum later. My fists bawled up. "Jaebum..I will KILL YOU!!" I shouted at my phone, then hung up. Youngjae sighed. I sighed too.

Then ran my hands through my hair. "Why why why was I so stupid. If I don't get in touch with Jaebum it's all over..it's all over.."

"Hey, Minseo. It's not over. It'll never be over. I'll always be here for you. No matter what." Youngjae smiled. I put my hands down and look at him lovingly.

It's crazy to think we both sacrificed the things important to us just to be with each other. At the same time too. Lesson learned.

Then, our flight number came onto the intercom, saying it was ready. "Might as well go anyway huh?" Youngjae tilt his head. I'm loving his sense of adventure. I wonder how much I rubbed off on him in the past.

We ran to our flight.


My phone is off. I'm in the office. I guess since Minseo met Youngjae they talked about things. Things from the past. He must've told her what happened and that's probably why she didn't answer my calls.

Well it's my fault I guess.

Looking back on it now, it was pretty stupid and ridiculous but..whatever.
I was hesitant to tell the bosses that Minseo is giving up her position to stay in the other town with Youngjae.

A pretty risky thing to do because she'd lose everything. But she did it all for hm. Now that I realize it, they really love each other.

They're in a meeting right now, so i'm waiting outside the door and sitting in a chair, contemplating. I'm probably going to have to apologize for something that happened 10 years ago,

It really messes up my pride, really.

Then the office door opened, the boss gave his goodbyes to the ones he were meeting and took me in.

I sat at one of the chairs around the big table. "So..Mr. Im Jaebum what is it that you must tell me?" He asks, sipping from his coffee cup.

I sighed, "Well..some things happened through the past three days and-"

"Are you quitting?" He asks jokingly.

"Ha, no..it has to do with Minseo. She called me up and uh..what I mean is-"

"Hold on a second I'm getting a call." He raised his index finger and took the call as said. He plant the phone to his ear. I sighed. I can barely get a sentence in. I hope his ears are working because I don't wanna repeat this.

I guess I have to do it for Minseo.

I sat there awkwardly as the man was talking on the phone with his wife, then I guessed she passed it on to his children. I looked around, fidgeting with my fingers.

Finally after forever, his call ended.

"So uh, what I was saying was that Minseo-"

"Oh yes! Our new boss! Is she okay? Is she in office?"

"Uh that's what I came here to talk about..she told me she wants to give up her p-"


I heard a very, very loud voice screech as the door burst open. Me and the boss stood up out of our seats at the scene. There was Minseo. Her hair was all over, she was out of breath, and had her hands on her knees.

"W-Wait...wait.." She says trying to breath. "Minseo?? What're you doing here?" I ask.

"Right, shouldn't you be in office?" The boss pointed. "I came..I came here to..hold on a second.." Minseo breathed in and out heavily.

Me and the boss stood there awkwardly and silent. Minseo then stood up straight.

"I came here to say I changed my mind." She says. I smiled, "Really?!" I say excitedly.
"Yep." She nods, still little out of breath.

"W-What about Youngjae?" I ask.

Minseo pointed under her with her index finger and there Youngjae was. On the floor. Out of breath. They must've done alot of running.

"So don't say i'm giving up my position. I want to stay. And he's staying with me." She says. "Yes!!" I jump up.

Then we looked at the boss,

"What the heck is going on??" He asks looking as confused as ever. I pat him on both shoulders,

"Nothing, don't worry about this meeting, everything is fine. Minseo is back!" I say. The boss now looked even more confused. Then me and Minseo and Youngjae left.

Well, after Youngjae got up from the floor. "I'm glad you changed your mind Minseo." I smile. She hit me in the stomach,

"Hey! What the heck kind of voicemail is that you fork." She scolded. "Oh yeah I forgot to change that.." I scratch my head.

Then she kicked me in the leg,

"Hey! What the heck kind of excuse is that to break me and Youngjae up all those years ago! You made my last year in high school miserable!" She kicked me again. I groaned everytime.

"I know...i'm sorry I was stupid." I say. "Yeah. You were." She says.

We stopped walking and faced each other. "Well, what're you and Youngjae going to do?" I ask, putting my hands on my hip.

"I don't know..I guess we'll have to get a place of our own?" "Where?" "I don't know.." "You never know anything." "Well i'm trying Jaebum." "Why don't you live in your same apartment." "I can't Yugyeom is there." "So?" "So, me and Youngjae needs privacy." "For what???"

Me and Minseo conversed back and forth. Youngjae just stood there staring into space.
"Well, what're you gonna do then?" I ended it with my last question.

Youngjae was actually really quiet until,

"I'm going to marry her."

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