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I'm utterly shocked that Jaebum literally just said that to me. "Thanks Jaebum." I say sarcastically and open the door. "Min-"

I already left. I went inside the house and stormed all the way upstairs to my room. I slammed the door behind me. My hands ran through my hair. I have to talk to Youngjae, this is killing me.

My phone was in my bag. My bag was in the car. I'm not leaving because I don't want to see Jaebum. I sat on my bed. I held my head down. And I cried.

The memory of Youngjae's expressionless face flooded my mind. How irritated he looked, and how much he didn't care. This is so unlike him. The smallest things he does affect me so much.

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. Then a knock came on my door.
Jaebum slowly opened the door and poked his head in. "Hey..Minseo? I'm sorry about earlier. That was harsh." He apologizes.

I didn't say anything, I just watched him. "But I do have something to tell-"

"No. Don't say anything for a while. Leave me alone now."

He stared at me. I stood and walked past him. I was getting my phone. When I was at the car, I took my bag, my suitcase, everything and brought it inside.

Then snatched my phone out of the bag. Maybe Youngjae texted me? Maybe he just put off an act for my brother? I was thinking of all possible reasons.

I went straight to my contacts, full of hope. Only to be massively disappointed. No text. No call. No anything. I bit my bottom lip, and was about to cry again. Then I shook my head.

"No..it's okay...i'll just text him first.." I mumble to myself. I took a breath.

Me: Youngjae..? are you okay?

Me: did smthing happen?

Me: u can tell me

Me: ill listen

Me: ill only listen to u from now on

Me: if i did smthing wrong im sorry

Me: Youngjae? u there?

Me: it says u havent read it yet

Me: r u ignoring me?

Me: thats ok just text or call me whenever u see this

Me: btw im sorry for whatever i did


Me: i love u

I sighed. "He'll text me.." I say in hope. Maybe..

Jaebum comes downstairs and he sees me. I bunched my lips together. I'm not ready to listen to whatever he has to say. Not right now. "Minseo.."

"Jaebum. Not in the mood." I raise my hand. "No listen, this is important."
I roll my eyes and fold my arms.

"H-Have you been crying?"

"Just get to the point Jaebum."

He lowers his shoulders and puts his hands in his pockets. "I got promoted at my job. They're giving me a new office." He says.

I shrug, "So? Congrats." I say, annoyed. "But the thing is, my office is in the town we just came from."

"What're you talking about?"

"I'm talking about we're leaving. Leaving as in moving...tomorrow."

I gasped. Wait-

This is all going way too fast. I'm hardly comprehending anything he just said. I held onto my head. "W-What did you say?"

"Minseo. We're leaving. Tomorrow. So..don't unpack your bags." Jaebum explains.

"W-Well why can't you just quit your job..?"

"Minseo, that job is the reason I have enough money to even go on a trip like we did. And you should think about what you just said." Jaebum responded.

But..I can't leave Youngjae.

I ran upstairs past Jaebum. "Min-"

I was already at the top of the stairs. I ran inside my room and shut the door behind me. No wonder he was acting so weird. He wanted me to like it there because apparently we're moving there.

And we're just quickly taking some trip? I wish he would've just told me and saved all this stress. If only..

Then, I immediately grabbed my phone to text Youngjae.

Me: Youngjae i'm moving

Me: to the town where we came from

Me: ik its crazy jaebum JUST told me

Me: but i wanted to tell you first. if you didnt know that i was leaving..just know that i didnt know either

Me: Youngjae?

Me: it says u read these

Me: im coming over

I dropped my phone and grabbed a jacket. Then I stormed out my bedroom window and climbed down the ladder. In all this, I'm still surprised no one moved the ladder yet but heck.

I won't complain.

Then I ran to Youngjae's house. He must be worried sick about me.
When I made it to his door I knocked and stood there.

"Youngjae?" I called. The door opened a few minutes later. It was indeed Youngjae. I pulled him into a hug. A tight one. He didn't hug me back, but the feeling was nice.

I pulled away and looked at Youngjae. "Did you see my texts? I can't believe i'm moving. I can't leave you..I really can't. I can't be far from you, so..Jaebum will just have to go without me.."


"..I don't care if he gets a tank to get me out, i'm not leaving you and.."


"..he'll just have to leave me because I can't do anything without you and i'm freaking out because of my anxiety and i'm worried about you so much and-"

"Minseo..!" Youngjae grabbed a hold of both my shoulders, then slowly pulled his hands away.

I stared at him, he avoided eye-contact.

"I think.."

I continue to stare. Was he going to agree with me? Maybe he changed through time? Maybe he-

"I think we should break up."

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