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"W-What do you mean..?"

I stared at Youngjae fearing for my life. Is he bipolar???? Extremely bipolar?? Because he was just jumping up and down in excitement like, 10 seconds ago. Now he's all serious and ho- I mean scary.

"Well don't you think it's a coincidence that we suddenly met like this?" Youngjae tilt his head a bit.

"Uhm..n-no? Maybe? I don't know.." I held my head down even more. "Minseo." He says, bluntly.

I look up slightly. Sheesh. All he did was say my name and i'm already done for. Why does he have so much control over me??


"Do you still have a grudge on me?" He asks. When did I ever- Ohhh right. That. Youngjae needs to get over that it was literally 10 minutes ago sheesh.

"Ehh. I'd still be pissed but I think I was just hungry. But i'm fed now!" I smiled cutely. "So do you believe me?" He asks again.

"It doesn't matter if I do or if I don't, i'm over it." I shrug. "So do you still.." Youngjae trailed off. Do I still what. Wait.

"Do I still..like you?" I finished his sentence for him. Youngjae looked slightly shocked at first, then he nodded.

"I don't know. I need some time to think because i'm just getting my memories back with you soo..I just need time."

Of course I still like him! I don't need time to know that, obviously it's Youngjae sitting in front of me!

Youngjae pouted. "What if i'm impatient?"

I froze. "Erm.." Sheesh look what I got myself into. Why couldn't I just say the truth? I sat there in the chair not knowing what to do. What to say??

I gulped. Youngjae scooted his chair all around, then he stopped when it was next to me. So basically he just made a whole bunch of noise dragging a metal chair all the way to me. The sound it made was scary.

So now he's next to me. And really close at that.

Okay I have to calm myself. Deep breaths. In..and out..in..and out..in-
Youngjae is staring dead at me.


Now my breathing patterns are getting all messed up. I'm afraid to look to my side because if I do, I know he'll be right there. Looking at me with those big brown eyes that can kill me in one look.

And he's staring at me.

Imagine that.



I didn't look. I just kept my head forward and was looking everywhere but his way. I was expecting him to say something that would make me pass out, but he didn't say anything.

And it went on long enough until I finally looked his way to see what was up. Was he sad? Did I do that? But it was an immediate regret. Now our eyes are locked. I'm frozen.

"I like you."

Then Youngjae suddenly leans in and kisses me on the lips.

My heart was beating really fast. All my energy stopped up. His lips are so soft oh my gosh. His hand went to my side and other to the cheek of my face.

And it was long. Probably wayy longer than last time because we were older and no one and nothing was holding us back.

I might be madly in love with this guy all over again. Damn.

I can't forget that I have somewhere to be. But it makes me sad just thinking about it. I'm only here for three days. So I wanna hang out with Youngjae as much as possible.

Me and Youngjae hung out for the rest of the day. He had to go to his babysitting job so I drove him there. I can't believe he's still doing babysitting. It's amazing. He's amazing.

Still. I don't know what i'm gonna do, what am I even gonna tell him? How can I just leave like that? It really makes me think. I honestly don't wanna go. I don't wanna leave. Even if Yugyeom is there waiting for me,

how am I gonna leave Youngjae?

I remember having these thoughts before. When I found out I was leaving him back then. I was asking myself, how could I go? Then I got dumped.
But I guess it was for a reason.

I've been avoiding Jaebum's calls. I'd only talk to him about this face to face. It ticks me off everytime I think about it. But Youngjae makes me feel better.

And yeah. We kissed ALOT.

I guess it's just because we missed each other so much. But sheesh Youngjae is right when he says he's impatient. I would've waited at least a day to tell him my feelings.
But i'm glad he didn't.


Right now it's the next morning. Of course i'm in my hotel room bed that I got yesterday. I'm not really a morning person so I groaned when my eyes opened. I had a really great dream.

Hold on.

Why do the covers feel like it's right on my skin? And why am I on the edge of the bed, I usually sleep in the middle? I sat up..slowly turn my head...



Youngjae screamed when I screamed. I literally fell out the bed. The covers followed me. I'm only in my bra and underwear!!!! Why am I- What did we-

Oh no.

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