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"So, Youngjae.."

Jaebum broke the silence after just standing there at the car while Minseo went out to look for Yugyeom. I insisted on helping her, she also insisted on me to stay.

I'm still suspicious of whether Jaebum still approves or not. He still might punch me or something.

I jumped slightly when he just suddenly started talking.

"Are you and Minseo really getting along?" Jaebum asks. I fix the collar of my shirt with one hand. "Hehe..yeah."

I smile and play off that i'm not currently terrified.

"She really seems happy and different. I've never seen her behaving this well before. Especially on a night at a hotel. You really are an amazing babysitter.." Jaebum nodded.

I chuckled.

Right...even though I kinda made out with her a few times but..hey, i'll take the compliment.

"Yeah..she's...amazing too." I nod. Jaebum then got up from leaning on the car behind us and started to get closer. He had his hands in his pockets.

I scooted away a bit when Jaebum faced me. I don't know what's gonna happen next.

"Listen Youngjae..you know my job right?"

"Uh..yes? No? Erm.."

"I have two jobs.." Jaebum put up two fingers. "..one, my actual job at the business. Two, protect Minseo at all cost. I'm not sure if she told you this, but she comes from a hurtful past." Jaebum explains.

I know that very well. She's told me everything and I listened. Sometimes I tend to forget. I hope I never. I nodded in response.

"I try my very best not to hurt her in any way that will, because even though she gives off a tough exterior, she's very sensitive about her past. She can never see or be around fire at any cost. That's how bad it is." Jaebum says.

Okay but, why was Jaebum telling me this now? This is useful information, but I feel like he's going somewhere with the point he's trying to make.

Was it something serious?

Jaebum sighed and put his hand back in his pocket. He faced toward the carnival.
"The real..reason..why we came on this trip..in this specific town..is because we'll have to move here."

I quickly turned my head to Jaebum. "What?"

"I was one of the five at the business that got promoted. My new office is located in the city of this area. Which means we're gonna be moving here." Jaebum says, keeping his head forward.

I looked to my feet. "But- But..why did we come on this trip then?"

"Because, I wanted Minseo to see it first and like it. So everything won't be her first time seeing or experiencing. Like the view, the carnival, everything."

I scoff.

So Minseo's leaving...?

That must've been why Jaebum just suddenly wanted to go on a trip like this without any hesitation or waiting. I held my head down.

Jaebum looked at me. "But now I notice that it's going to be alot harder for her to leave. She's gotten attached to you.." He says.

And I attached to her.

I can't really comprehend or imagine her leaving. But it's happening. Why now? At least in a few years. I was just planning to spend the rest of my years with her. Cuddling with her, doing all the things boyfriends and girlfriends do.

Tell each other about everything.
Now she's moving away to a far place, and I can't follow.

"I know I said I gave you permission earlier, but that's all because Minseo was there and that I haven't told her the real thing yet. But..the thing is..I actually really don't need you two together. It'd be best if you just detach now and get it over with.."
Jaebum says in a low tone. I look at him, tears threatening to fill my eyes.

I held in my shaky breath.


"I really need you to be open minded right now. It'd be best if you two stop seeing each other. I just needed you to just babysit, not date her. And now she's leaving. We're leaving. For good."

 Even though I was practically heartbroken at this point, it was her brother. It was his decision. He didn't approve of us both after all.

 "If you could, I'll need you to do it yourself. Maybe if you two break it off before we leave, or if you'll wait until we get back, either way is fine."

"When are you leaving?" I ask Jaebum, soft. "In two days. I have to go as soon as possible." Jaebum nods. I gasp a bit.

I have two days to do this. It doesn't even give me time to think. Why this? Why now? I bit my bottom lip.

Then Minseo and Yugyeom finally came back. She had his arm in her grip. She smiled that heavenly smile of hers. It now makes me sad.

When she saw my expression, she had a curious face. I don't have the strength to talk about anything right now. I just turned around and got in the car. Minseo stood there.
She shrugged it off though.

She got in the car with Yugyeom alike.
Jaebum hit Yugyeom in the head.

"Hey..you idiot. Don't go running off places where you'll get lost." Jaebum scolded.

I stared at Jaebum. He plays it off so easily, like nothing is gonna happen. Everything is gonna stay the same. Then Minseo nudged me.
"Hey..what did you and Jaebum talk about? Did he scare you.."
I stared at her now. No expression.

"I swear that little-"

"He didn't scare me." I shake my head, then I look at the window. When I did that, I bit my bottom lip again. Hard.

Detaching hurts so bad.

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