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So it's been four years later.

Haha. Just kidding it's only been 4 hours later. But it felt like four years sheesh. The guy just couldn't stop talking. But anyways,

I met with the people I was supposed to meet with. They liked me so they all voted to officially make me boss of the company building where me and Jaebum lived. Which is the other town.

Well. I guess i'm really leaving tomorrow.

I did what I came for.

I sighed as I drove. I went all the way back to the hotel to pack all my things again to leave for the morning. I had missed a few calls from Youngjae. But I was going to call him back later. Just to let off the awkwardness from earlier.

We couldn't even look at each other!

It'll be fine.
And so, I made it to the hotel. I walked inside the building and was on my phone but then some guy came running up to me. Two guys actually.

"Excuse me miss!" One of them called for me. I popped my head up and looked at them. One was in uniform, like he was one of the food services. Another looked like a police officer with a white t-shirt and black leather jacket and a badge in his hand.

"Yes?" I ask with my eyebrows raised.

"Can you please come with us..?" The officer asked, looking a bit annoyed.

Go with them?? How?? For all I know that can be a fake badge. They could be kidnapping me..
Oh well.

I followed them where ever they lead. They took me through a door behind the front desk. Now i'm in a room with computers and whatever.

The officer guy started clicking and typing on the keyboard.

"Ok uhm. What am I doing here exactly?" I say getting impatient. The officer stood straight.

"We have evidence that last night at exactly 12:47, you ma'am stole 5 sets of food ordered by a silver spoon." (Silver Spoon- A very rich family or person)

I gasped and held my hand over my mouth. Last night I was drunk!! Maybe that was the food from the room? But- But-

"How??" I shrieked. One of the guys pointed to a computer, "We have video footage."
Then he pressed the space bar.

I stared at the screen,

It seems as thought the guy that was standing not too far from me had knocked on the door with a lot of food next to him, waiting to be served. The video clip was inaudible so we couldn't hear me and the guy were talking.

I cringed as I watched my drunk self.

Suddenly I pushed him and started grabbing the food away from the man, and he struggled to take it away from me. If I was the old Minseo from my teenage years, I would've laughed at this.

But being me, I snickered and both of the guys glared at me. I stopped doing what I was doing and mouthed a, "Sorry.."

After I stole the food from the man, I slammed the door shut and locked it. I was surprised my abilities to lock a door and even get to the hotel whilst being drunk. Life is crazy.

Then I turned around and me and Youngjae started eating the food while chatting to each other. But the clip kept going on.

"W-Wait why isn't this stopping." I pointed at it. "This doesn't stop here. It also shows you and..whoever, making a mess in the hotel room."

"S-So we're really going to watch this??? We can't it's embarrassing, especially you two men watching me-"

"What're you afraid of?" The officer asks. I bit my bottom lip knowing what happens next. I breathed in to speak and do something, then suddenly I saw myself on camera jump on Youngjae's back.

I stopped and froze.


Youngjae spun around with me on his back and from the looks of it, it looked like we were screaming. Then we both fell on the bed and I added a kiss on him before passing out next to him. I scoffed and grinned.

"Wow.." I mutter.

What a big misunderstanding.

The officer stopped the clip, then both of them looked at me. It was silent for a second.

"Thank you officer. The money for the food will be on the front desk. Also, sorry for the damage and ruckus." I smiled.

They stared blankly at me. Then I turned and left, also planting the money on the front desk as offered. As I walked away from the room, I smiled and hummed. A bit of skipping.

I'm so glad that we were wrong and didn't do anything much. But I do have to apologize for almost breaking his back there.

Then my phone rung. Ha. Speaking of him.
I answered and stuck my phone to my ear,

"Yes? Youngjae!" I say in a cute voice.

"I- Uhm..did something happen?"

"Oh! Guess what? I just saw the camera clip, and turns out we didn't do anything!"

"Camera clip? We? Anything? Guess???"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes,

"From last night pabo. It was just a moth. We didn't do anything like that." I smiled as I pressed the elevator button.

"Ha! That's a relief. Anyways Minseo, are you doing anything tomorrow? I want to take you out to this amazing restaurant! I know you're gonna like it."

My smiled faded.

Oh no.

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