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My brother Jaebum screams at me in my room. I was silently resting in my bed. It was morning, and I was still tired. But Jaebum just HAD to barge in my room. AGAIN.
My hair was all over the place but who cares, right?

I groaned, "Jaebum what the hell.."

"C'mon! It's time to get going!" He nudged me. My eyes were barely open. "For what." I groan again.

"For the trip. Now come onnnnn..!" He shook me over and over. "Are you drunk?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No." He chuckles a bit. Then he makes his way to my door,

"Now get up! We're leaving in a half hour!"

I roll my eyes, then check my phone. I guess Youngjae's still asleep. But my giant baby texted me.

Gyeomie: are you okay...?
sent 10:45 pm

"I am now.." I mumbled with a sly smile. Wait, but why wouldn't I be?
I guess he'll explain it later on the trip.

I get out of my bed and walk to my bathroom. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, tied my hair in a ponytail, and packed up some of my best clothes in my blue suitcase. Of course I took my makeup with me.

Like what would I be without it.

I decided to go with the tomboy look today. It's like I have two personalities. By that time it had been 50 minutes since I woke. Dang, I really do take a long time. I head for the downstairs and Jaebum stood at the couch with a wide smile on his face.

He seems weird...

Something is going on for sure, but i'm not gonna say anything. Not yet. I need to investigate. That's right. I'm a genius at this stuff.

Sigh. Nevermind.

I made my way down the stairs. Suitcase in one hand, earphones in the other. I look up at Jaebum. "Ready?" I ask. "I've been ready since yesterday." He states. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Hey aren't we getting breakfast?" I stop and ask. Because food matters.

"We'll stop somewhere, don't worry." Jaebum headed for where I was standing which was by the door. But I placed my finger on his chest and stopped him.

"There better be wifi where we're going."

He laughs, "Yeah I know my teenagers needs." He walks pass me and open the front door.
"I am a young adult!" I squeak. He looks back at me, "Yeah sure." He laughs.

I bawled my fist. He's gonna get it.

But anyways, we reached the car. I sat in the backseat because I knew me and Youngjae would have the whole thing to ourselves. He'll sit next to me. Jaebum looked at me through the mirror.

"Sure you don't wanna sit in the front?" He asks. I shake my head. "I'm fine."
I had my phone in my hand and was currently scrolling. Until I got a notification. A text.

Gyeomie: hey u guys aren't ditching me rght?

Me: of course not

Gyeomie: y didnt u txt me bck yesterday

Gyeomie: what happened

Gyeomie: did u and youngjae do it?

Me: do what

Gyeomie: ya kno..

Gyeomie: IT

Me: the clown?

Gyeomie: no i mean

Gyeomie: nvm

Me: hehe ok

Me: were on our way so be rdy

Gyeomie: ok

We made it to Yugyeom's first. Since Jaebum basically trust him over Youngjae. Yugyeom came out of his house, waving to his mom and brother, then finally opening the door in the car.

He sat in the front.


"What's up Yugyeom, got everything?" Jaebum asks him. He nods, "Yeah. Hey Minseo." He looks back at me. I smiled and lean up. "Hey giant baby."

Jaebum then accelerated the car. "Okaay..now's time for Youngjae's house." He says. I smile. But I spotted Jaebum looking at me through the mirror and I dropped the smile immediately.

One day we're gonna have to tell him sooner or later. Maybe later. Maybe never. Sheesh.

I held my head down and pretended I was on my phone the whole time. Jaebum smiled to himself. What's he thinking?

Anyways, we reach Youngjae's house. My brother parked in front, and I called him to tell him we're outside and he better hurry up. But on the third ring, Youngjae burst through his house door with one suitcase in his hand, and Jinyoung pulling on his other.

"Please don't go!!!" Jinyoung pleaded. I covered my mouth with my hand and giggled.

"You know i'm scared of the dark!"

Youngjae turned around. "Jinyoung. You know the only reason you want me to stay is because of Minseo." He says plainly.

Yugyeom looks back at me. "Explain?"

"He kinda has a crush on me." I put my hands together. Yugyeom rolls his eyes, "Who doesn't these days.."

Youngjae walked towards the car. I could tell Jaebum's eyes followed Youngjae wherever he went. He might be catching on.

Youngjae went to my window and waved. "Hey baby Min! I missed-"

Before he was finished I slammed my palm against his mouth and used my other finger and pointed at my brother, who was looking back at us. Oh no.

Youngjae's about to get cursed out in 3...



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