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"What was that Youngjae?"

"Huh? Oh nothing.." Youngjae held his head down. I rolled my eyes. I swear sometimes I wish I could squish Jaebum into a little ball and throw him out the window.

But anyways, we made it to a hotel. The sun was going down, and the hotel was huge. Probably 100 stories high. But not really. We had all got our suitcases and made our way up to our room on the 9th floor.

We had walked to the room door, Jaebum did the key thingy to the door and we all went in. It smelled pretty and the whole room had a creme white color to it.

It had alot of space to walk. We all sat our things down and relaxed from being in the car for so long. I sat on the edge of the bed.

Jaebum stood taking some things out of his suitcase. I watched him. Youngjae sat on a couch by the window, which was covered by a curtain.

"Jaebum..shouldn't there be two rooms?" I ask, tilting my head. Maybe Jaebum would give us our own room!

"What do you mean..?" Jaebum was folding a shirt. "I mean..you can't expect us to all to sleep in one room. Especially Yugyeom. I just don't want anyone to seem uncomfortable." I shrug.

Jaebum looked at Yugyeom, who was just chilling on the bed. "D'you want another room?"

I glared at Yugyeom. Also signaling for him to say yes.

Yugyeom saw me, then looked at Jaebum. "Yeah i'd lik- love that." He says. Jaebum looks at me suspiciously, but I just smiled.

Then he sighed,

"Fine. You and Youngjae can share a room, if only there's a free one on this floor." He explains. I stood up. "What about me..?"

"Oh you're sleeping in this room."

I grit my teeth. "What??"

Jaebum shrugged, "What.."

"Uhm, I like my privacy too! And plus I wanna spend this trip with my friend!" I argue. "Minseo I know how you are. You'll sneak out if you're alone."

"I won't this time I swear. I'll stay in all day and all night I promise! Plus..I have my babysitter here don't I?" I pointed in Youngjae's direction.

He watched all this take place. Jaebum rolled his eyes and sighed at the same time, "Ahh fine. But if you sneak out you're staying in this room forever. Got that?" He pointed at me. I squealed and went to hug Jaebum.

I hugged his side and held him tight. "Thanks bwother!" I say cutely. "Now go downstairs and ask for a free room." He hands me a card. "Okie!"

"Wait! Yugyeom go with her.." Jaebum ordered. Yugyeom got up and followed me to the downstairs. But I stopped before I could go out the door. I turned around slowly. I don't think it's a good idea to leave Youngjae and Jaebum in one room alone.

Someone might ACTUALLY get thrown out a window.

"But..uhm..shouldn't Youngjae come?" I ask, biting my lip a bit. Jaebum looks at me, then at Youngjae.

"Wow Minseo, you're becoming really responsible. Yeah sure he can come." Jaebum had a sly smile. Youngjae got up from his seat and followed us out the door.

Before I left I stuck my head back in,

"Hey Jaebum..you better go out tonight."

"Oh you know it."

I smiled. At least my brothers' happy. Now we really left this time.

It's later. Me, Yugyeom, Youngjae all had a room to ourselves. Jaebum should be at the casino or something I don't know. I was sitting on the bed next to Yugyeom. Youngjae had went out to the front desk.

"Are you okay, you've been really quiet lately.." I ask, feeling worried. I didn't wanna third wheel him, if that was how he was feeling. He shrugs.

"Yugyeom talk to me."

He sighs,

"I'm just thinking about Kim.."

"Wha- That chick that ditched you? You shouldn't be thinking about her she should be thinking about you." I argued.

"I don't know..seeing you and Youngjae just makes me miss her I guess." He said. I sighed and stared at him. My poor giant baby. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"You'll find your new Kim one day." I say, trying to lift him up. "Eh. I just wanna listen to sad songs for now.." He said and stuck his earphones in his ear and laid back on the bed. I pouted.

I stood and fold my arms,

"Well, I might as well shower before bed."

I took some clothes and walked to the bathroom, it took me a second to figure out how the heck the shower works. When the water turned on I started striping.

Youngjae's POV

I got back from the front desk. I made it inside the room. Yugyeom was on the bed listening to whatever. I wanted to ask him something but he wasn't listening. Suddenly he got up from the bed.

"I'm going out." He simply says. "Erm..where." I ask. "To go find my new kim." He responded.



Anyways he left and I never got to ask what I wanted. But that's fine. I just needed to put my toothbrush in the bathroom. I got it and headed for the door. Huh..Yugyeom must've left the water on. Something is off about that guy..but whatever. I made my way there,

and I opened the door.

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