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Tonight was the last night of Harry and Liam's vacation, and the pair were sad to see it go, but understood their responsibilities were at home.

"We'll always have Paris." Liam mumbled.

The couple laid in bed after taking a shower together, since it was their last night, they wanted to stay in, order some room service and watch movies. It was one of their more peaceful nights, and Harry and Liam were relishing it.

"What?" Harry asked.

"We'll always have Paris." Liam gently scratched up and down Harry's back.

"What does that mean?"

"It's an expression. It means that, even though our vacation is over as of tomorrow morning, we'll always have this time for just us." Liam smiled.

"Oh, well, in that case, we'll always have Paris." Harry agreed with Liam.

The couple went to sleep in each other's arms, and flew home in each other's arms.

"Thank you for this weekend, really glad we decided to go." Harry smiled up at Liam.

"Yeah, me too, it was nice to get away and get you all to myself."

"But I think I missed my kids more."

"I missed them, too, even though we never can have any fun without worrying about them walking in and being scarred."

"Well, I think only Niall and Louis would be scarred, though Niall would probably say we were doing it wrong and try to properly show us how it's done." Harry laughed.

"Oh, dear Lord, I don't want to hear that." Liam groaned.

Harry and Liam landed soon after where Niall and Josh picked them up.

"Where are my babies?" was the first thing Harry demanded on their way home.

"They're with my mums. They wanted to see the kids, and plus, Perrie's been asking to see Louis. I think she's smitten with him."

"Aww, that's cute." Liam cooed.

"They had a play date the other night. I busted them kissing." Niall laughed.

"Louis isn't allowed to kiss girls until he's fifty. And that's final." Liam said sternly.

"Yeah, okay, Li, whatever you say." Harry rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious! Why aren't you being as serious about this as I am?"

"Because they're children, Li, we'll talk about this later."

"So, besides the play date, how was the rest of your weekend?"

"It was good, Niall and I started planning the wedding." Josh said.

"Oh yes, the wedding. We'll help you plan it."

"I thought the bride's family planned the wedding..." Niall was confused. Sure, two men were getting married, but Niall was convinced that he was going to be the bride.

"We are, we want to see your plans, so we can make changes and amend them."

"Sure, did you want to pick up the kids?"

"No, your dad and I are a little tired from our trip. Think we're just going to call it a night and go on to bed."

"We'll unpack your suitcases for you."

"Thanks, Ni." Liam said behind a yawn.

"Well, if you two are going to sleep, I'll stay the night at Josh's, if that's okay with you." Niall asked.

"You're engaged, you don't need to ask us." Harry smiled.

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