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The couple were walking around Times Square after flying to New York the previous day. They were currently still on their honeymoon, and were enjoying their visit quite tremendously.

Unfortunately, for the newlyweds, Niall had come down with a terrible cold. With him getting sick, and throwing up almost every five minutes.

They almost couldn't go anywhere, since Niall would just get sick again.

It was almost a month later when Josh had had enough. "That's it. Ni, you can almost never go anywhere without you getting sick. We should go to the doctors."

"But its-"

"Just a stomach bug. I know, I've heard the speech for the last month, but baby, this isn't healthy, and I really think we should go. At least see what's wrong." Josh begged.

Niall finally caved. "Fine."

Josh did a silent cheer.

It wasn't that hard to find a doctor in New York. Soon, the duo were sitting in the doctors office waiting for their name to be called. Niall was gripping Josh's hand tightly.

To be honest, Niall was terrified to be at the doctors. Josh was just terrified about Niall. He just prayed that he didn't get Niall sick or give him a disease or some kind. He would never forgive himself if that were the case.

"Niall Payne?" A nurse called.

Both Niall and Josh stood up and followed the nurse to the back. "It's actually Devine. I just got married." Niall clarified.

"My mistake." The nurse apologized.

Niall and Josh both went into a room and had a seat. "The doctor will be with you in just a few minutes."

The pair nodded and waited. Niall looked to Josh. "Josh, what are you thinking about?"

"That I hope I didn't get you sick. I would never forgive myself if that were the case." Josh replied.

"Josh, look at me."

Josh slowly looked up at Niall. "Yeah?"

"I love you, and whatever happens, we're in this together, right?"

Josh smiled. "Yeah. Yeah, we're in this together. I honestly love you so much."

The doctor decided to make her appearance then. "Hello, I'm Doctor Meadows. You must be Niall and Josh." He said, and shook both their hands. "So, what can I help you with? What seems to be the problem?"

"My husband has been feeling really sick the past few weeks. He's written it off as a cold, but I'm not so sure." Josh spoke for Niall.

"And how long has it been since you were last intimate?"

Both Niall and Josh gave him a questioning look.

"Had sex." He rephrased.

"About a month and a half ago." Niall answered.

The doctor took down a few notes.

"But what the hell does that have to do with anything?" Josh cut in.

"It's not uncommon for males in this day and age to get pregnant and have babies. My wife and I can't produce children, so we asked a male friend of ours to have our baby." the doctor further explained.

"What-are you seriously saying what I think you're saying?" Niall was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"I am, we have a sonogram hooked up. Would you like to see?"

They both nodded, and the doctor squirted some gel onto Niall's stomach. When they both saw what was on the screen, Niall burst into tears. Right there, on the screen, was Niall and Josh's baby.

"Now it's not very large. Just the size of a little bean, but it's there. Right there," the doctor pointed, "that is your little baby. Congratulations!"

Niall cried harder, and grabbed Josh's hand. Josh smiled down at Niall, and gently kissed him.

We can do this. He thought. I'll protect you.

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