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The families had soon dispersed after dinner, leaving only Niall, Josh, Stan, and Andy.

"So, Niall and I wanted to ask you both something..." Josh started.

"We were wondering how you would feel about being the honorary uncles to our little one." Niall finished.


"Really." Josh smiled. "You've helped me get settled at work, you hang out with me at lunch, plus you voluntarily wanted to play with our little siblings tonight. If that doesn't show friendship, I don't know what does."

"I mean, if you're sure about this, then we would be flattered. Thank you so much!" They both hugged the couple, causing Niall and Josh to laugh.

"By the way, do you know what you're having?" Andy asked.

Niall put a hand on his protruding stomach. "We do, but we want to wait until I go into labor."

"Well, we got your little newest addition something. It's nothing much, just some clothes, toys, things our little ones have outgrown."

"We went with gender neutrality, since we didn't know what you were having." Said Stan, and pulled out a couple of boxes. "Here you go."

Niall smiled lovingly at the boxes and pulled a few things out. "Aww, I love it! Thanks!"

Stan and Andy smiled. "You're welcome."

"Well, I think it's time we head out. My wife will have my head if I'm any later than I said." Andy chuckled.

"Same, but it was fun. Thanks for having us over. We had a good time." Stan smiled.

The couple then got up with Stan and Andy, and walked the two to the door. "We'll see you Monday, mate."

"Bye." Josh said, and closed the door.

"Did you have a good time tonight?"

"I did. Did you?"

"I did, but Peanut and I are tired, so we're going to go to bed. Can you do a little cleaning before you come up?"

"Yeah. Night, baby."

"Goodnight." Niall went upstairs with a hand on his back leaving Josh to clean up downstairs.

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