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"Hi, where's our son? He was just admitted!"

"And who are you?" The nurse asked.

"We're his parents. We got a call from his husband about an hour ago."

"He hasn't been admitted to a room yet, they're still waiting on one. Go down the hall, he's in the birthing and delivery corridor. There were three kids with them?"

"Yes! They're our sons and his husband's little sister."

"Go down the hall, they'll be there."

"Great! Thank you!" Harry squealed and pulled Liam down the hall. "Can you believe this is it? We're going to meet our future grandchild soon!"

"I know! I'm so excited!"


"Daddy! Oh my god! I can't do this!" Niall cried.

"No, no, honey, you can do this. Your father and I are going to be with you through the whole thing. Josh is going to be there with you. You can definitely do this, baby, and I couldn't be anymore prouder of you. Your father, your siblings, and I love you so much."

Niall sobbed. "I love you too, is this supposed to hurt?"

"Didn't you go to the birthing classes?"

"Well, yeah, but they never prepared us for the real thing."

"Where's Josh?"

"I got hungry, so he went to get the kids and me food."

"Where are the kids?"

"They're with Josh downstairs in the hospital cafeteria."

"Niall Devine?" A nurse called.

"That's us."

"We have a room prepared for you. Come with me." Niall looked to his parents.

"You two go ahead. I'll wait for Josh and tell him where to go." Liam offered.

"Come on, kiddo, let's go." Harry wheeled Niall into a room and helped to lay him into bed, and sat down next to him. "How far are your contractions?"

"They're getting closer. I still don't think I can do this." Niall wailed.

"You can do this, and we'll all be here for you."

"I love you, dad."

Harry kissed his forehead. "I love you too, honey."

Soon, the doctor came in. "Hi, Niall, how are you feeling?"

Niall winced. "Okay, why do I have a needle in my back?"

"It's to help with the pain, so it won't hurt as much."

"Where's Josh? I can't do this without him." Niall cried harder.

"I'm right here, here's your burger, sweetheart." Josh came into the room and handed the meal to Niall, Niall gulping it down.

"Daddy! Papa!" Louis squealed and Zayn attempted a squeal. Harry giggled and opened his arms, Louis ran over to Harry and hugged his daddy.

"I love you, daddy!" Louis giggled.

"I love you, too! Why don't you give NiNi some love?"

"Baby come?"

"Not yet, soon, go give him some hugs and kisses. It'll probably make him feel better."

Louis giggled and crawled over to Niall and gave him hugs. "I love you!"

"I love you too, Louis! Did you have fun with Joshie?"

"Yes! So much fun with Pez and Joshie!"

"Did you get something to eat?"

"Yes! Want baby!"

"Are you going to be the best uncle ever?"

Louis giggled. "Yes!"

Niall smiled and ruffled Louis's hair, until he winced. "Where's my doctor? I think the baby's coming."

"I'll go get him." Harry got up and went out the door. Louis snuggled into Niall.

"Any regrets?" Josh suddenly asked.

Niall looked over to him. "None. You?"

"None. I wouldn't trade any of this for the world."

"I love you." Niall smiled.

"I love you too." Josh smiled back.

"Have you told Andy and Stan yet?"

"Yeah, they're going to come after the baby's born. Figured you wouldn't want them in here when you're pushing the baby out."

Niall smiled and Josh smiled back, leaning in to kiss Niall.

They could do this.

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