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"You did what? Josh..." Niall whined.

"What? I thought you'd like it. Oh, don't give me that look. Stan and Andy both want to come and hang out. Do you really want to take that away from them?" Josh knew he was laying on the guilt trip, but sometimes, especially with Niall's pregnancy, he could almost always say anything he wanted.

"And besides, they brought presents for our little one. Don't you want to see what they got?" Josh continued laying on the guilt trip when Niall still didn't budge.

"Fine, you win, but only because I want to see what they got." Niall sighed, giving in.

Josh cheered and kissed Niall. "I knew there was a reason I married you."

"Yeah, yeah, start the grill. Everybody will be here soon."

"You got it. Are we doing steak or chicken?"

"We're doing pork chops and catfish. We had steak and chicken the last time."

"Okay." Josh pulled out the frozen food and walked outside to the grill.

"And don't forget about the veggies. Bean has been craving veggies lately." Niall smiled and gently rubbed his stomach.

"Hey, babe, I've been thinking, you've never met Stan and Andy before, but I swear they're really nice people."

"I'm sure they are." Niall smiled.

"Anyway, they're really nice people, and I swear you'll love them."

"Just spit it out."

"What if we asked them to be the honorary uncles?" Josh wondered.

"How about I meet them first; then make my decision?"

"Okay, sounds good."

Soon, dinner was set, the outdoor table was done, and Stan and Andy had arrived. They were just waiting on their families.

"So, Josh talks very highly of you." Andy started.

"Yeah? And what exactly does Josh say about me? Nothing embarrassing, I hope." Niall giggled over to Josh, who blushed profusely.

"Nah, just how much he loves you and adores you. He's got photos of you all over his desk."

"Andy..." Josh blushed harder.

"What photos does he have?"

"The sonograms, your wedding day, just small photos like that." Stan smiled.

"Aww, babe." Niall giggled and kissed Josh's cheek.

"He also talks a lot about you too." Stan cackled, just to mess with Josh some more.

"Oh, come on, leave me alone." Josh groaned.

"It's funny, babe, if you don't show that it bugs you, they don't have a leg to stand on." Niall said.

"Yeah, we only do it because it bugs you." Andy and Stan laughed.

"That's it, you've asked for it." Josh gently pushed them.

"No rough housing or take it outside."

The three looked at each other and ran outside.

"No knocking over my plants or you're buying new ones." Niall warned Josh, causing Josh to stop and look up at his husband.

"What? I have to do something during the day while you're gone. Don't look at me like that."

"NiNi!" Niall soon heard the voice of his little brother meaning their families were here.

"Hi, LouLou!" Niall said back in that overly excited voice, causing Louis to squeal loudly in his daddy's arms.

"And hello to you too, little Zaynie!" Niall squealed to the baby in Liam's arms.

"Ni!" Zayn screeched.

"Hey dad, hey papa." Niall greeted, then bent to Louis's level. "Joshie's outside with Andy and Stan. You can play with them if you want."

"Joshie! Joshie! Daddy down!" Louis demanded, causing all the adults to laugh and for Harry to set him down.

The toddler marched cutely down the hallway and outside. "Joshie!" He called, only to giggle uncontrollably when he felt himself being lifted off the ground and around the garden. Soon, Perrie and her parents showed up and everybody was running around outside, expect for Niall. He was casually sitting on one of the benches with his in-laws while Liam ran around with the kids.

Niall really couldn't ask for anything more.

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