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"Have a good time on your honeymoon, and just in case you forgot, there's a packet of condoms in your suitcase. Your dad was worried, so I put a pack in there. Please be safe." Liam hugged Niall goodbye.

"Oh my goodness! Papa!" Niall squeaked.

"What? Your dad was worried!"

"I'll see you in two weeks, papa."

"Bye, Ni, have a good time in the states."

"Bye, papa."

"Ni, you ready?" Josh asked, putting the last of the luggage into the car. Josh's parents insisted on driving the newly-wedded pair to the airport for their honeymoon.

Niall nodded and got into the backseat with Josh. The two kissed for a bit until Josh's parents informed them that they were at the airport.

"Alright, baby, I guess this is it. Be safe, have fun, and use protection. I love you, but seriously, I'm not ready to be a grandma just yet. I'm serious, Josh."

"Oh my god! Mama!" Josh blushed.

"Your mother and I used to find and do it in a number of places; the bathrooms, a toilet, even did it when one of the classrooms were open. We were pissed at our teacher, and your mother wanted-"

"I'm not listening to this anymore. Niall, you ready?" Josh blushed a crimson red as he looked over at his husband.

Niall looked over and nodded. He said goodbye to his mothers in law and followed Josh through the airport. Soon, they were on the plane and flying to their honeymoon.

When they landed a few hours later, they were settling their things into their honeymoon suite. The freshly married couple decided to explore a little before dinner.

"Okay, Niall, you ready for our big adventure?" Josh asked excitedly.

"Yeah! Where do you want to go?"

Josh looked down at the brochure. "We're in Virginia, next to D.C. Want to explore through?"

"Sure, got your camera?"

Josh held it up. "Ready?"

"Let's go!" Niall excitedly grabbed onto Josh's hand making Josh chuckle.

They got into their rental car, and drove through the city. They spent most of the afternoon and into the night exploring. Josh and Niall spent some time also people-watching, which is what Niall liked to do. He enjoyed just watching people. It wasn't creepy, plus he likes making up stories for each person.

"Baby?" Josh broke Niall out of his gaze.

"Hmm?" Niall looked at Josh.

"I'm hungry, can we stop somewhere?"

"Sure, there's a small diner right there." Niall pointed to the place on the map.

"Okay, let's go." Josh and Niall both got up from the bench and walked in the general direction of the diner. Josh reached for Niall's hand and interlaced their fingers together. No matter how many times how many times Josh reached for his hand or held it, Niall still blushed darkly and got butterflies in his stomach.

When the pair arrived at the restaurant, they were seated with a waitress coming up to them. "Hello, what will be having today?"

"Water, and the grilled chicken sandwich." Josh answered.

"Water, and the smokehouse wrap, please." Niall replied.

"Absolutely. I'll have your waters right away. By the way, what brings you into our fine city?"

"We're celebrating our honeymoon." Niall blushed.

"Congratuations! My husband and I went to London for ours. Very romantic." She smiled. "Anyways, I'll have your waters and your orders right up." She smiled again, and walked away.

"She was nice." Niall commented.

"Yeah, she was, but you're beautiful." Josh complimented, making Niall blush profusely.

"I love you." Niall whispered.

"I love you too, you know what we should do tomorrow?"


"Get matching his and his tattoos! How cute would that be?"


"Think about it! This way, people know we're together!"

"Think they'll know when they see the ring on our finger..." Niall said, and held up his left hand.

Josh pouted. "Party pooper..."

"Aww, don't be like that. Tell you what, if we have kids, we can get their names tattooed. Deal?"

"You really mean that?" Josh asked hopefully.

"I do. You're my husband, I'll do anything to make you happy."

Josh had never had a bigger smile on his face than he did at that moment. "God, I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too, Josh."

"Just wait until tonight. You'll be calling me by another name."

Niall blushed crimson red.

"Alright, newlyweds, here's your dinner. A smokehouse wrap and a grilled chicken wrap. Can I get you anything else?" The waitress asked.

"No, thank you, I think we're good, but thanks." Josh said politely.

"Anytime." The waitress smiled and walked away.

Josh and Niall both dug in, their hunger showing.

Soon, the pair fell into a comfortable silence, but that was okay. Sometimes, the couple just liked to be in silence.

After their meal was finished, the couple were paying and walking back to their car hand in hand.

"I had a good time today. Did you?" Josh asked as they were driving back to the hotel.

"Of course I did. Did you?"

"Anywhere with you is a good day." Josh said, making Niall blush.

"Why you always have to say things that constantly make me blush?" Niall giggled.

"Because I like to see you blush, but wait until we get back to the hotel. I'm going to have you blushing all night long." Josh smirked.

Niall giggled all the way to the hotel.

The two could barely keep their hands off each other as they entered the hotel, and even more so as they entered into the elevator on the way to their floor.

Niall was basically eye-fucking Josh and Josh was mentally undressing Niall.

When they got into the room, that's when clothes started coming off. Soon, they found themselves on the bed with Niall crying out Josh's name, pushing Josh to his edge and he soon released into Niall.

Once they were done, Niall leaned into Josh and Josh pulled him even closer. "I love you, Joshie."

"I love you too, NiNi. Go to sleep. I know you're tired."

Niall gently kissed Josh's bare chest and fell asleep content in his man's arms. Josh looked down at Niall.

Yeah, I'm lucky.

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