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The couple were unfortunately making their way home. They didn't want to, but they understood why they had to.

Harry and Liam were going to pick the pair up from the airport. They didn't know what was wrong, or why they decided to come home earlier, but once Niall and Josh told them their big news, they would understand.

"Hi, son. How was your honeymoon?" Liam asked, once they came into view.

"It was good. We had a really good time. It was nice, but we have some news for you. We want Josh's parents present as well." Niall slightly explained.

Harry and Liam looked at each other with nervous eyes. Wanting both sets of parents at the same time could be a good or a bad thing.

"Sure, what's up, honey?" Harry asked.

"We'll tell you at home. I already contacted my parents. They're going to meet us at the house." Josh said.

"Alright, let's go home, shall we?" Liam announced, grabbing the newlyweds suitcase and leading them out of the airport.

Harry and Liam were exchanging nervous glances, while Niall and Josh were exchanging anxious glances throughout the drive home.

Jesy and Jade were at the house when they pulled up. They were just as nervous as Harry and Liam.

"Let's sit, yes?" Jade asked, trying to break the obvious tension. They all nodded, and had a sit while Niall and Josh stood.

"So, um..." Josh started.

"Something happened on our trip. I was fine when we left, but then we found out something pretty mystical, we found out that we're pregnant. Congratulations! You're going to be grandparents!"

Harry and Liam were flabbergasted, while Jesy and Jade both had pleased and happy looks on their faces.

"I guess congrats are in order." Harry started.

"Dad? Papa?" 

"Mum? Mama?"

Both sets looked up at them.

"Are you mad we're pregnant?" Niall choked as he let a few tears fall, Josh quick to wipe them away.

"You think we're mad at you?" Liam asked.

"Well, you have a faraway look on your face." Josh rephrased.

"We're not mad. Sure, we're a little shocked with a billion questions as to how, but we're not mad. We couldn't be more happier to welcome a grandchild into the family." Harry clarified.

"Really?" Josh asked.

"Of course! Having a baby will only strengthen the love that you two have. I want to see the sonogram photos!" Jade practically demanded.

Niall and Josh laughed and fished out the photos of his backpack, and handed them over to the parents. Josh's hands on his belly and Niall's fingers laced with his.

After the parents were done gushing over the photo, they looked up at the blushing couple. "We have some news of our own..." Jade started.

"While you were away, we bought something for you..." Harry added.

"It's not too far from here..." Liam continued.

"Would you like to see it?" Jesy asked.

Niall and Josh gave their parents a suspicious look, but nodded all the same. The parents smiled big, and the pair followed their parents into the car. They were smiling big, while Niall and Josh both looked confused.

When they pulled up, Niall and Josh couldn't help the shocked looks on their faces. Their parents had bought them a house! Harry and Liam looked at Niall, while Jesy and Jade looked at Josh; both of them smiling big and bright.

"Would you like to see inside?"

They both nodded, and were led inside.

The inside was more beautiful than the outside. It was a Victorian-style house with beautiful arches on each side with a wrap-around porch. The den was open and lead into the kitchen with stairs leading upstairs.

The upstairs was more open, with five bedrooms, and three bathrooms. "Baby, we could convert one of the rooms into a nursery for the baby." Josh thought aloud.

"I like that idea, but what about the other three rooms?"

"Guest rooms?"

"Yeah, that could work." Niall agreed.

"Have you guys seen the backyard?" Jade asked. "We bought it with the intention the kids could play, but now that you're pregnant, we know we made the right decision."

"Baby, let's go see it!" Niall pulled Josh down the stairs, causing Josh to laugh.

They went out into the backyard, and looked around.

Yeah, they loved the house, and they were so incredibly happy and lucky their parents bought it for them.

"What do you think of the house, baby? Do you like it? Would you want to grow up here?" Josh asked, and rubbed Niall's stomach.

"Baby definitely likes the house." Niall confirmed.

Josh smiled and kissed Niall's stomach.

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