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Josh came over to the house early Friday morning to help Niall get packed for the trip, and when Josh walked in and saw Niall frantically running around looking for his things, he couldn't help but coo.

His Niall was honestly too cute. The way he was running around was the most adorable thing.

"Babe?" Josh called out.

Niall ignored him, instead, looking for all the things he already packed.

"Babe?" He called louder.

Still, Niall ignored him. That's when Josh gave up and walked over to Niall, gently shaking him.

Niall looked up at him. "Josh? How long have you been here?"

"Few minutes, I've just been leaning against the door watching you frantically pack. It's adorable when you think about it." Josh chuckled.

"Oh." Niall blushed crimson red.

"Would you like help packing?"

"Nah, I think I've got everything." Niall confirmed.

"Then you want to get dressed?"


"Babe, you're still in your pajamas." Josh stifled a laugh.

"Why don't you undress me and put clothes on me?" Niall smirked.

This time, it was Josh's turn to blush darkly. "Baby...you know that once I take those pajamas off, you're going to be naked and you also know that within fifteen seconds, you'd be on your hands and knees with me buried within you begging for me not to stop and screaming my name."

Niall suppressed a moan. "How much time do we have?"

"Sorry, but you're not getting any of this, not when we have to leave shortly."

Niall growled. "Tease."

Josh laughed. "Love you, too. You ready?"

Niall nodded, and the two headed downstairs where Harry and Liam would be taking them to the airport.

That afternoon, Josh and Niall were settling into their rooms and unpacking everything.

"Can you believe that, just next week, we'll be Mr. and Mr. Devine?" Niall asked.

"Pretty crazy, huh?" Josh chuckled.

Niall set down his clothes and wrapped his arms around Josh's middle. Josh wrapped his on top and laced his fingers with his lover's.

Usually, when Niall and Josh were in this position, it was Josh holding Niall, but it felt nice to be held. "I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you, too, Joshie, so much." Niall reached up and kissed the back of Josh's neck.

"The things you do to me." Josh sighed.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Niall smiled.

"Very good things." Josh smiled back.

"Come on, let's get unpacked and head down to dinner." Niall unwrapped himself from Josh, and continued unpacking, causing Josh to shake his head.

That boy's going to be the death of me.

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