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A/N: Hey guys! Welcome to my new book! Sorry if the prologue sucks, I promise it'll get better! I'm just bad at starting stuff. Anyway, Here's all you need to know!

B/N: Birth Name

C/N: Chosen Name

L/N: Last Name

H/C: Hair Color

E/C: Eye Color

S/C: Skin Color

F/C: Favorite Color

Ok, I think that's it! Anyway, enjoy!


It was your last day of your first year of junior high at Kitagawa Daiichi, and you were sad to see your best friend, Oikawa Tooru, leave.

"Bye (B/N)-Chan! I'll miss you!" Tooru said, tears streaming down his face. "Relax, Tooru. It'll only be for two years! Besides I'll see you when I get to Aoba Jōsai myself!" you said, smiling while giving the tall boy a hug. "Yeah! You better make the girl's volleyball team great (B/N)-Chan!" he said.

Your heart sank at the word 'girl's', but you didn't know why. "I will." He smiled at you.

You two sat there in awkward silence for a while before you finally said. "Well.... bye, Tooru. I have to walk home now." He started getting teary-eyed again.

"Bye, (B/N)."


During the next two years of your junior high days, you became a great volleyball player. You took the girl's volleyball team to Nationals in your last year, and made new friends. Kageyama Tobio became your new best friend to replace Oikawa, and you guys had a great time.

You also came to the realization that you were transgender in your last two years. You came out to your parents when you were in year three and they were surprisingly supportive. They let you cut your hair, they bought you binders and legally got your name and gender changed, and finally in the summer leading up to high school, you started testosterone. It worked slow, sadly, so you didn't entirely pass, but it would have to do for now. You hadn't told anyone besides your family, though, since you thought you were leaving everyone else behind.

Sadly, you didn't make it into Aoba Jōsai. You ended up going to Karasuno instead, which was closer to your house anyway.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

The loud noise of your alarm clock startled you out of sleep. You immediately turned it off and smiled to yourself. You looked over to your bedside table and found your testosterone shot ready for you to take. You quickly injected yourself, trying to ignore the pain and get it over with quickly. You brushed your (H/C) hair and threw on the boy's uniform, your uniform.

You took the stairs two at a time as you rushed to get breakfast. "Hi mom! Thanks for breakfast!" you said as you quickly grabbed the waffles she had made for you. "No problem (C/N). Just don't be late!" She said, smiling. "I know! I'm going, I'm going!" you said, scarfing down the waffles, and then racing out of the house, jumping on you bike and heading to the school. 

When you got there, you looked around the very crowded building and smiled. 

Finally, today was your first day of high school, and your first day of presenting as a boy in school. 

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now