Chapter 5

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A/N: Hopefully this'll be a long chapter!

By the way, can you guys comment any suggestions you have for this book or which character you want to end up with, thanks!


(So I've decided to skip the match scene because you've all already seen it.)

The match was over. Hinata and Kageyama were now officially a part of the team, and Kageyama got to be a setter, like he wanted. You were happy for them, and especially happy that you didn't have to sneak around anymore.

"Congrats guys," you said, pushing your (H/C) hair out of your eyes.

"Thanks! Hey, (C/N), do you want to go get ice cream to celebrate tomorrow night?" Hinata asked.

You smiled down at the short boy. "Sorry, I'm going to go see a movie with someone."

Hinata's eyes widened. "Wow, do you have a girlfriend?! Are you going on a date?"

You blushed slightly, but shook your head. "No, I don't have a girlfriend. I'm actually meeting up with one of my best friends from junior. high. We're going to go see (Favorire Movie)."

Hinata smiled, and he looked oddly relieved. "Alright, well, have fun!"


You looked at yourself in the mirror and grinned you styled your short hair (however you want it, fringe, quiff, whatever) and threw on a (f/c) t shirt and some jeans.

"Oh shoot, I almost forgot to take my testosterone shot," you said, grabbing the shot and quickly getting it over with. You had sent Oikawa your address and he was supposed to be picking you up in... 5 minutes.


You scrambled to throw on some (f/c) sneakers and ran downstairs to wait casually for the doorbell to ring.


You kept waiting


And waiting


And finally the doorbell rang and you grinned. You opened the door and there stood you childhood friend, Oikawa Tooru.

He was wearing a grey alien t shirt with a pair of jeans and his glasses.

"Hi (C/N)-Chan!" Oikawa said, smiling.

"Hey, Oikawa, are you ready to go?" you asked.

He nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! And I thought we could go get some food before we go to the movies. We do have a lot of time beforehand."

"Sure, where do you want to go?"


Oikawa brought you to a small cafe that you'd never been to, but it seemed nice enough. You sat at a table and ordered (F/F). Oikawa got the same.

"So, (C/N), tell me about yourself." he said, folding his hands and looking deeply into your eyes, making you blush slightly.

"Well... I'm a first year at Karasuno. I love volleyball, I'm on the team as a wing spiker. My favorite food is (F/F) and my favorite color is (F/C). I love conspiracy theories and aliens. I also like (other hobby). I have a (pet of your choice). My favorite type of music to listen to is (Music Genre) and my favorite band is (F/B)."

Oikawa smiled. "I like a lot of those things too! Especially the aliens. It's weird how much in common you have with your cousin, and how much you look like her too! If I didn't know you were a boy I would almost think you were the same person."

You laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, I get that a lot from one of my other friends..."

"Hey, but you're pretty cute, so at least you've got that going for you." Oikawa pointed out, making you blush. Luckily the waiter came and saved you from an awkward situation.

"Oh, good, the food's here." 

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now