Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello, readers! I hope you're all doing well! This is chapter one, hopefully it's better and longer than the prologue was. Anyway, let's go!

EDIT: this chapter contains some content that may be triggering, especially for trans readers


  You smiled as you looked around the crowded halls of Karasuno.

   So this is what high school is like, you thought. Suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by a short boy with orange hair walking up to you.

   "Excuse me, miss! Do you know where this class is?" he asked, pointing to his schedule. You sighed. "Uhh... I'm a boy," you said.

   He immediately looked embarrassed. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" You put on a fake smile. "It's fine. That class is down that hall and you take a left," you said, pointing. "Ah, thank you!" he said, smiling and running down the hall. Once he was out of sight you dropped the fake smile.

   Seriously? I'm even wearing the boy's uniform! you thought angrily, as you walked down the hall to class 4. When you reached the room, you weren't paying attention to where you were walking and you slammed into a bean pole. Seriously, how tall was that guy?

   "Oi, can the lesbian watch where she's going?" he asked. You glared. "I'm a boy, dumbass! And maybe you should try moving when you see someone walking towards you." And with that you walked to your seat, leaving the bean pole standing there.

   You drummed your fingers on the desk as you listened to the teacher drone on.

   Man, I hope the volleyball team doesn't treat me like this, you hoped, watching the teacher draw equations out.


  The bell finally rang, signaling that school was over. You ran over to the gym where you knew the volleyball team practiced. When you opened the door there were 3 boys talking amongst themselves. "Uh, excuse me..." you said, getting their attention.

  The tallest of the 3 turned to you. "Oh! Are you here to become the assistant manager?" he asked hopefully. You sighed.

  "No, I actually applied for the team. You should've gotten my application? My name is (L/N) (C/N)." The brown haired guy smiled. "Oh, right! Sorry (L/N)-San. I'm Daichi Sawamura, the captain, and this is Sugawara Koushi, our setter, and Tanaka Ryūnosuke, One of our wing spikers."

   "Nice to meet you (L/N)-San! What school are you from?" Sugawara asked with a smile. "I'm from Kitagawa," you replied. Daichi's eyes widened. "Really? We didn't see you in that match we got to see of yours against that team from Yukigaoka," he said. You shifted awkwardly. At the time you had been on the girl's team. "Oh! I, uh, was sick!" you said, laughing awkwardly. Daichi nodded.

  "Oh, ok. What position do you play?" he asked. "I'm a wing spiker. I was actually the ace at my junior high," you admitted.

   "Wow! Well, we have another student from Kitagawa that'll be here, maybe you know him?" Daichi asked. You let out a forced chuckle. "Maybe...."

  Who could it be? Please don't tell me....

   The door behind you opened. You turned around and your (E/C) eyes widened.


He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now