Chapter 13

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A/N: Hello! I'm back from the grave! Also... almost at 1.5K reads! I'm happy :)
Anyways, let's get on with this sheit!

The entire team was rejoicing. You had beaten Date Tech, and were going on to play Oikawa tomorrow, but you and Kageyama were rejoicing for a different reason.

The kiss. The kiss that fixed everything quicker than anything else could have. The kiss that changed both their lives for the better.

   'Actually, come to think of it, I haven't seen Kageyama in a while.....'


   I had been washing my hands in the bathroom, when suddenly Oikawa walked in. I took no notice to it, as I was trying to avoid confrontation, didn't need it to spoil my good mood.

    "Tobio-Chan," Oikawa said softly, making me jump and turn around. His expression was dead serious.

   "I saw you and (C/N) kiss today." he pointed out, obviously trying to get at something that Kageyama couldn't understand.

   "Oh, yeah...." Kageyama replied, trailing off.

   "I never said you could take him from me," Oikawa said threateningly.

   "He wasn't yours from the beginning."

   "How about we make a deal, Tobio-Chan. If I win the game tomorrow, you'll have to break it off with (C/N), so I can have my chance. If you win, I'll stop talking to him. Sound alright?" Oikawa asked, a smirk on his face.

   Kageyama thought about it for a minute. "Fine."

   "Great!" Oikawa said, his fake smile gracing his lips and he looked at his underclassman.

   Suddenly the door to the bathroom opened, and in stepped (C/N).

   (C/N)'S POV

   You walked in and stared at the clearly tense confrontation between Oikawa and Kageyama.

   "Hey, what's going on in here...?"

   "Oh, nothing, (C/N)-Chan! Don't worry about a thing! Oikawa said, smiling.

   You paused for a minute, before smiling back. "Okay! Hey, Kags, the others are waiting for us at the bus."

    Kageyama nodded. "We should get going, Oikawa-san."

   Oikawa nodded. "And good luck with the game tomorrow... Especially for you, Tobio-Chan."


He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now