Chapter 4

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A/N: Here goes nothing! Hope you guys like it!


You sat in bed, tossing a volleyball into the air when suddenly your phone started vibrating. You checked your text messages. 100 unread messages?! You checked your phone and there were 5 texts from Oikawa and a group chat that kept spamming you. Geez, could they ever shut up?

You sighed and read Oikawa's messages first.

Oikawa Tooru: (C/N)-CHANNNNN

Oikawa Tooru: What are you doing?

Oikawa Tooru: Are you ignoring me?

Oikawa Tooru: You're so mean (C/N)-Chan!

Oikawa: Hello?

You sighed before responding to him.

You: I'm here, Oikawa

Oikawa Tooru: Yay! I missed you!

You: You've only talked to me once, how could you miss me?

Oikawa Tooru: I don't know, you just remind me of (B/N) for some reason.

You were silent for a minute and then he texted you again.

Oikawa: Hey, (C/N)-Chan, do you want to go see (Favorite Movie) with me on Sunday?

You thought for a minute. Should you go with him? I mean, you've known him before, but now he may find out the truth about you. But Kageyama didn't and he knew you for a while too. You sighed and texted him back.

You: Sure, I guess.

You then turned your attention to the group chat that had been spamming your phone. It was full of a bunch of numbers you didn't recognize.

You: Who is this?

???: Hey look guys, (C/N)-Chan's here!

???2: We see, dumbass.

???: Oh

You typed the message out again.

You: I asked who is this? If you don't let me know I'll leave.

???: No don't leave! This is Hinata! Suga-Senpai made this chat so we can decide when we'll practice.

???2: This is Kageyama. Sugawara and Tanaka are in here too.

You: Oh. How did Suga get my number?

Suga: You gave me your number, remember?

You: Oh, right. Sorry.

You: Well, I'm gonna go... I'll see you guys tomorrow for the match!

Hinata: Bye, (C/N)!

Kageyama: See you

Suga: Bye, (C/N)-Chan!

You turned off your phone and sat staring at the ceiling. This will be an interesting year.


A/N: Do you want me to include the match scene or no?

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now