Chapter 6

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A/N: Alright guys, I'm hoping this chapter goes well! Can you guys comment what you think of the story so far because I've gotten very little feedback on it so far.
After dinner, you and Oikawa headed to the movie theater. You got popcorn and drinks, even though you just ate dinner and headed to the theater that you were told to go to.
You sat down in your seats and waited for the movie to start, Occasionally snacking on your popcorn.


"That movie was great! Thanks for taking me, Oikawa!" you said, walking out of the theater. "No problem (C/N)!" You got into his car and he started to drive you home.
"Well, today was a pretty great day, don't you think?" You hummed in response. You guys drive in silence for a couple minutes.
"So when was the last time you heard from (B/N)?" Oikawa asked suddenly, making you nervous. "I don't remember. Maybe a year ago? Then she just lost contact with all of us."
"Oh... I was just wondering because I really miss her."
You felt a pang in your chest at his tone. You really wanted to tell him, you really did, but something was holding you back from telling him the truth.
You finally reached your house and Oikawa walked you up to your front door. "Well... it was really nice meeting you today (C/N)!" he said, grabbing your hand a planting a kiss on it, making you blush like a tomato.
"S-sorry, Oikawa, but I... i don't swing that way! Um, it was really nice meeting you too, though. I hope we can see each other again sometime!" you said, racing inside.
You grabbed your phone and logged into the group chat with Kageyama, Hinata, Tanaka and Suga.

You: Hey guys! I'm back from the movie.
Hinata: How was your date?!
You: I told you, it wasn't a date. I'm not gay!

You blushed, thinking about when Oikawa kissed your hand.

Hinata: Sureeee (C/N)
Kageyama: Stop bothering him, dumbass!
You: Yeah, otherwise I'm gonna have to kill you.
Hinata: Sorry (C/N)! Please don't kill me!
You: Haha, I'm just kidding Hinata. But it did go well. We had a good time.
Suga: That's great! Who were you with?
You: Oikawa Tooru, he was one of my best friends in junior high before he left. Then I found someone else.
Suga: Wow... THE Oikawa Tooru, from Aoba Jōsai?
You: That's the one.
Tanaka: You mean the pretty boy who's in all the magazines?
You: Yeah....
Hinata: Who's he?
Kageyama: He's the setter at Aoba Jōsai. He used to go to my junior high.
You: Oh yeah, you and him didn't get along, right Kageyama?
Kageyama: How did you know?
You: Because I'm smart. And I was there.
You: Well, I'm gonna go to sleep. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow.


   The next morning, you got ready and raced out the front door, completely forgetting that you had to sit through an entire school day before practice.
   Why did I think I wouldn't have to do school today? You groaned in your head.


   Finally! School was over! You headed to the gym where everyone was crowded around Takeda-sensei already.
   "What's going on?" you asked Suga. He turned to you. "We're going to have a practice match with Aoba Jōsai." he said.
   "Their one condition for this game is that Kageyama is setter and (C/N) is a wing spiker during the match," Takeda-sensei stated.
   "HUH?!" everyone said, looking at the two freshmen.

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