Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey! I'm sorry it's been a while, marching band season is finally over so I have free time now. And also, 900+ reads! It makes me happy that my book is becoming more popular! So close to 1K! Also sorry it's kinda short, I may update later!
The week long training camp had been great. You guys felt as if you had improved a lot. Today was the last day; the practice match with Nekoma.
   You had all lined up, ready for the practice match to start. Hinata looked shocked about something. You'd have to ask about it later. Hopefully he wasn't having some sort of panic attack.
   Looking up and down the line of Nekoma players, you noticed that they didn't look like a particularly strong team. Nothing flashy, just seemed pretty ordinary. Then your eyes locked with a shorter boy who had dyed blonde hair, and your eyes widened. You'd have to watch out for that one.
   And even though they didn't look super strong, you knew that looks can be deceiving.
   Daichi and their bed head captain went to go shake hands, and even though they were smiling, you could tell they were mocking each other in their heads, the tension was unbelievable.
"Let the practice match between Nekoma high school and Karasuno high school begin!"
You guys lost. You were so close to winning, but you lost. It was annoying, but you knew you needed to continue on to get better.
Everyone was going around and talking, making new friends. The bed headed captain of Nekoma headed over to you. 'Oh shit.'
"Hey, so... I didn't realize you were a boy until I saw you play," he said, and you sweat dropped.
"Seriously?! I thought I left this damn thing behind months ago! Fuck you, rooster boy!" you said angrily.
He smirked at you. "No need to get defensive there. I told you, I realized I was wrong. But for the record, you're the cutest looking boy I've seen," he whispered the last part in your ear before walking away, leaving you flustered.
"Damn him," you muttered, before joining Kageyama, who was staring Nekoma's setter down. He looked slightly scared about the whole situation.
"Kags, calm down, you're scaring the poor kid," you said, laughing.
"Sorry, just angry that they won is all," he muttered.
You sighed. "Yeah, me too, but hey, it was only a practice match. We'll beat them next time. You patted him on the back and walked away.
Kageyama watched as you walked away from him, and sighed. Why did you always make him feel this way? Why did you always manage to calm him down? Why was he always jealous when you talked about Oikawa with that smile on your face? Why?
He put his face in his hands. He thinks he might have finally figured it out.
'I think I love him.'

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now