Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey guys! I just want to say thank you for all the support with this book so far, I've started to get a lot more readers, which makes me happy. Hope you enjoy this next chapter!
You walked into the gym, closed your eyes, and sighed. Finally, you're first game was about to start.
"(B/N)? What are you doing here?" someone behind you asked and your blood ran cold. You slowly turned around, (E/C) eyes wide with shock as you spotted your old friend, Iwa.
You quickly composed yourself. "Sorry, do I know you?" you asked, a polite smile on your face.
"(B/N), it's Iwa. One of your best friends?" he said as if it should be obvious.
Your heart aches and your smile becomes painful as you have to lie, pretend that your old self never existed and that you're a whole different person, ruining all your meaningful friendships. "Sorry, I don't know who that is. My name is (C/N) and I'm clearly a boy, not a girl named (B/N)." you said, walking away toward your team.
"Who was that (L/N)?" Suga asked curiously.
"No one. Let's get this match started!" you said, trying to sound excited.
   You guys began warm-ups and observed the other team. Everyone seemed to be pretty strong, and you saw some old people from Kitagawa, but Oikawa was no where in sight.
   Finally you all lined up, waiting for the practice match to start. The starting lineup would be you, Kageyama, Hinata, Daichi, Tanaka and Ennoshita. You and Tsukishima would also be switching out throughout the game, since he was good at blocking.
   "Let the practice match between Karasuno High School and Aoba Jōsai High School begin!" the referee announced, and you all got into position.
   The first set started out terrible, Hinata was so nervous he kept getting in everyone's way. Finally you guys were at 24-13, Aoba Jōsai in the lead, and it was Hinata's turn to serve.
   You all stood there, waiting for the serve to come. It almost seemed like he'd stopped breathing. You heard Tanaka ask Kageyama if he was ok, until finally the serve came flying at Kageyama's head.
   You, Tsukishima, and Tanaka started laughing hysterically until Daichi got mad at you guys. Suddenly Kageyama set his murderous gaze on Hinata, and you felt a shred of pity. After all, you'd received that same look several times yourself in junior high.
   Kageyama walked over to Hinata slowly and deliberately, his fringe covering his eyes, and like any sane person would do, Hinata started to panic.
   Kageyama said something to Hinata that you couldn't hear, but it must have somehow made Hinata feel better, because color started flooding back into his face. Then Tanaka gave an "inspirational speech" about how they were always there for Hinata, and he looked a lot happier. You smiled.
   We were going to win this next set.
   Everyone got onto the court, and since you were swapped out with Tsukishima at the moment, you watched in awe as Hinata, Tanaka and Tsukishima racked up points. The other team looked in shock as you won the 2nd set.
   Everyone walked over and were talking about how they were glad they didn't have a server like Kageyama or you on their team, and you walked in and joined the conversation.
   "Oh, you want to see serves? Just you wait until their actual setter gets here," you said, smirking, and as if on cue, the fan girls started screaming and in walked...
   Oikawa Tooru, the best setter in Japan.
   The game was almost over, and you guys were in the lead. Everything was going great until Oikawa decided to join in.
   And of course, it was his turn to serve.
   You watched as his spike flew in slow motion, knowing exactly how it worked, but too far away to do anything as it almost hit onlookers when Tsukishima did a bad job receiving it.
   "Don't mind, Tsukishima!" you yelled, waiting for the next serve.
   You watched as it flew into the air, heading straight towards you. You received it with ease, but it went over to their side of the net. They were about to spike the ball and get a point for a tie, but Hinata managed to block it. You managed to grab it before it hit the ground and hit it towards Kageyama, who set it to Hinata and they did their crazy quick. Oikawa watched in shock and the ball flew past his head.
  We won.
   We actually won.
  You all started celebrating and you went up to Oikawa. "Haha! In your face! I told you I would kick your ass!" you joked. Oikawa pouted. "You're so mean!"
   Iwaizumi walked up to you. "Hey, uh... (C/N). Can I talk to you for a second. In private?" he asked. You shrugged. "Sure, I guess."
   He led you to an empty hallway.
  "So... what did you want to talk about?" You asked.
"Cut the crap (B/N). I know it's you," he said, a scowl on his face.
   You sighed. "Hajime, I can explain. In my last year of junior high, I realized I was transgender. I didn't tell anyone besides my parents though because I didn't think I would be seeing anyone from junior high in high school so I could start fresh then. I was wrong. Even though I started testosterone people can still recognize me, but I managed to convince them that I was a cis boy. I lost all my friendships, but I'm slowly rebuilding them," you admitted.
   He sighed. "You could've told me. I'm fine with that. I'll call you whatever you want me to call you. The question is does Oikawa or Kageyama know?"
   You shook your head. "No, I'll tell them when the time is right."
   Iwaizumi shrugged. "Alright, whatever you say..."
   You both walked back into the gym and Oikawa ran up to you. "Bye (C/N)-Chan! See you soon!" he said hugging you. From over Oikawa's shoulder you could see Kageyama looking very grumpy for some reason, and you smirked. "Bye Tooru!"
   You all loaded the bus, and fell asleep on the way home.
   It had been a very successful day in a life where everything seemed to have to be a secret. Even some of your friends felt the same way, but of course none of you would ever admit it.
   You were all just people trying to live normal lives in the end.
   Sorry, that got deep, you can go back to sleep now, (C/N) and everyone else I interrupted.
A/N: I hope you guys liked it! Next chapter I'll be introducing Noya and Asahi! Please comment who you think (C/N) should end up with because that will influence the plot and also I'm torn XD

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now