Chapter 12: 1K SPECIAL

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A/N: So we're finally at 1K! I'm so proud of how far this book has come! But anyway, let's get started on this next chapter!
   It had been 3 weeks since the training camp, and you guys were working harder than ever. Practices had become brutal, meaning you didn't have much free time to hang out with people, and that included Oikawa.
Oikawa: Hey, (C/N)-Chan, do you wanna hang out this Friday?
  You: Sorry, can't. I have practice.
Oikawa: Okayyyy.... How about Thursday then?
   You: Sorry, can't. I have practice.
Oikawa: Ok, then I'll just come to you, then!
   You: ...
    You: Sorry, can't. I have practice.

   You chuckled as you read through Oikawa's messages. Kageyama looked over at you. "Who are you texting?" he asked.
   "Oikawa." You answered. "Oh," Kageyama said, his face falling.
   You looked at him and smiled. "What's with that look? Is Tobio jealous?" you teased, and his face blushed red. "Shut up dumbass!" he said.
   You chuckled. "No need to get so defensive, I was just wondering."
   You two sat there in awkward silence for a minute until Kageyama finally spoke up.
   "We should probably get to practice," he said.
   You nodded. "Yeah..."
Sneakers squeaked on the floor as you all continued practice. Everything was going smoothly until you heard your name being called.
"(C/N)-CHANNNN!" someone called in a whining tone.
'Dammit, really, Oikawa? Now?' you thought.
You turned around. "What? I thought I told you I had practice today." you asked.
"You're so mean! You said I could come see you!" he complained. You sighed.
"No, I didn't, we're getting ready for the Inter High Tournament," you said, slightly annoyed.
You thought for a minute. "Well... I guess now that you're here.... Daichi, is it ok if I leave practice early?" you asked.
Daichi thought for a minute. "Sure... but only for today," he said, sternly. You smiled.
"Thanks Dadchi."
"Nothing. Don't worry about it."
    You turned to Oikawa and smiled. "Well, you're in luck. Daichi's letting me leave early, but don't be expecting it again," you said.
   "Yay! I have our whole afternoon planned!" Oikawa said excitedly as he dragged you out by the hand, you too busy laughing to notice the jealous look on Kageyama's face.
    You had spent the entire evening with Oikawa. You guys had gone to the mall, and he had bought you a couple things, and then you had headed to the cafe you had "first met at", or so that's what Oikawa still thought.
   When you guys were about to get on the train to go home, you finally remembered.
   "Crap, I left my stuff at Karasuno, I'll have to stop there before I go home, okay?" you asked Oikawa.
   "Alright," he said.
   When you got off the train, you two headed straight to Karasuno.
    "You can wait outside, Oikawa, I'll be right out."
   "Okay, but don't keep me waiting too long," he said with a wink and you laughed.
   "Keep dreaming," you jokingly called over your shoulder.
   You walked into the darkened gym and found your stuff. When you went to go pick it up, you heard someone talk behind you.
   "So.... How's your date going?" You turned around to find Kageyama standing behind you.
   "Oh... hey, Kageyama," you said.
    "What do you even see in him anyway?" he asked, irritated.
    "What? What are you talking about? We're just friends!" you said.
   "Okay, sure, then explain all the flirting."
   "It's a joke! Stop being so jealous!"
   Kageyama stared at you. "Me? Jealous?" he asked, a deadly aura surrounding you.
   "Yes, you! You have no business prying into my life! And... it's not like you have any reason to be jealous..."
    "Well then, maybe we just shouldn't hang out then! If you think of me as nothing, there's no point!" he said angrily, and a silent tear fell down your face.
   "Why are you crying, idiot? There's no reason to-" suddenly he stopped as you slapped him across the face.
    "Kageyama Tobio, you insensible bastard! Don't you ever think about how other people feel?! Obviously not, otherwise we wouldn't be in this situation! I hate you! I don't want to talk to you!"
    Kageyama looked shocked. "What...?"
   You ran out of the gym with your stuff, tears streaming down your face.
   "Oikawa, let's go." you said. He nodded silently and put his arm around you, walking you home.
    Kageyama watched from a distance with a saddened expression.
'What did I do...?'
   It was the day of the Inter High Tournament, and you and Kageyama still weren't talking. The team was worried about how you would communicate on the court.
   Your first match passed by quickly, and then it was on to the best match: Date Tech.
You were halfway through the game, and the ball was spinning towards Kageyama. You got ready, knowing it would be better to set to you in this situation.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him set to Hinata, and you got really angry, because as you expected, it got blocked.
"Idiot, what was that about? I could've made it if you had set to me! Is it because we're not talking? Is that it?" you snapped.
Kageyama turned to you. "No, that's not it. I didn't think you would be able to make it in that situation," he said.
"Oh, so you don't trust me? Is that it?" you said,
Suddenly he started walking toward you. 'Shit he's pissed,' you thought.
   You prepared for him to punch you when suddenly you felt a pair of lips on yours, and your eyes shot open.
   'He's.... kissing me?' You thought, shocked. After a few seconds, you started to kiss back.
    You both parted to see everyone in the entire gym staring at you. Your face was completely red.
   "Don't ever say that I don't trust you again," Kageyama said.
   Oikawa's POV
   Oikawa was watching the game between Karasuno and Date Tech when he saw Kageyama and (C/N) kiss. He felt himself getting extremely angry.
   'Why do I feel this way...?'

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