Chapter 17

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A/N: Tried to get this chapter finished up fairly quick because I had already started it. Hope you guys enjoy it!

It had been about a week now, and you still hadn't resolved things with Tobio.

During that time you realized that what you had done was a mistake, but if you told Oikawa now then you could potentially end up losing both of your best friends.

You felt stuck. You felt trapped. And worst of all, even though you were surrounded by others, you felt so, so alone.

Practices had continued as normal, but they just weren't the same. Everyone could tell, too. Kageyama wouldn't set for you anymore, and you usually missed the spikes you were given due to the fact that you had so much on your mind. The whole team had kind of become down, and it was affecting everything.

After practice one day, before you were about to hurry out of the gym, Suga lightly put a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey (C/N), can we talk?"

You turned around and stared at Suga for a minute, considering your options.

"Sure, why not," you said with a shrug.

You followed him out of the gym and to a secluded hallway, where Daichi was also waiting.

You turned to Suga, slightly angry. "What's this about? You didn't tell me Daichi would be here too."

Suga looked around sheepishly. "Sorry, we just needed to talk to you."

"(C/N), we're just a little worried about what's been going on-" Daichi started.

"About what? Me going out with Oikawa?"

Daichi looked at Suga, looking for some help.

Suga gave him an understanding look. "Not just that. You and Kageyama having that fight and no longer speaking or practicing with each other, and you going to Oikawa for whatever reason your mind came up with. I get you guys we're friends before, but now it seems like you're using him for a different motive, which is borderline manipulative."

Daichi cut in. "It's not just been affecting the team and Kageyama, but we can tell it's affecting you too. It's not healthy."

Your mind was reeling. Were you really being such a jerk? How could you not see how much you were affecting your teammates? But how were you going to fix this...?

Your head kept spinning with thoughts, and suddenly you felt tears slip down your face.

"C/N)? Are you okay?" Suga said gently.

You shook your head slightly before answering, your voice trembling. "I d-didn't realize what I was doing... What have I done? I was so stupid! And now if I try to fix it I can potentially lose my two best friends! I'm so, so sorry..." You trailed off into sobs, covering your face with your hands.

You felt a hand gently pat you on the head.

"You don't have to do this alone (C/N). Everyone makes mistakes, and Suga and I are here to help you fix them. So we can make everything better for everyone." Daichi said.

"Yeah! We're here for you, and will help you in any way we can." Suga added.

As you continued to cry, Suga gave you a big hug, and Daichi tried to comfort you as best as he could.

As you started to calm down, you smiled gently to yourself

Just like a mom and dad...

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now