Chapter 9

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A/N: Another update! I'm gonna try to make this one long, but we'll see how it goes! Also we're over 250 reads! I know that's not a lot, but still, it's progress!
Tick. Tick. Tick. You watched the clock, bored as you waited for the last period of class to be over so you could head to volleyball practice.
The teacher was droning on about something to do with the cell and you awkwardly drummed your fingers on the desk. Suddenly you felt something land on your desk. It was a note from someone, probably Kageyama.
You unfolded the piece of paper.
'Hey, you wanna go get ice cream after practice?'
You turned around to see Kageyama, who gave you a serious-faced thumbs up, making you giggle. You ripped off a piece of your paper.
'Sure, why not?'
You smiled and threw the paper at Kageyama.
He read the note and you thought you may have seen a glimpse of a smile.
Finally the bell rang and you gathered up all your things. "Kageyama, will you toss to me today?" you asked.
"No," he replied bluntly as you walked to the gym.
You pouted. "You're so mean! You toss to Hinata!" you whined.
Kageyama sighed. "Only because we have the new quick attack."
"But you used to toss to me all the time!" you said, then immediately regretted it.
"What do you mean? I didn't know you before high school," he said, frowning.
You stood there awkwardly. "Uh... I can explain after practice, okay? I guess it's time I told someone." And with that you walked into the club room, your face red with embarrassment.
"Good afternoon!" you said as you walked in.
Suga looked over and smiled. "Good afternoon, (L/N)! How was your day?"
You smiled. "It was... ok. How was yours?" For some reason Suga always had a calming effect on you, you had no clue why but he always made you feel at ease. Probably because he's the mom of the team.
   You waited for everyone to get out so you could change, as most guys don't wear a chest binder and even though you were going to talk to Kageyama about it, you didn't need the rest of the team knowing.
   After changing you walked back to the gym.
"Oh, (L/N), I forgot to tell you that there's someone new joining us at practice today," Daichi mentioned.
"Oh really? Who? You asked with curiosity.
   "The guardian diety of Karasuno," Daichi said.
You rolled your eyes. "I still have no clue who you're talking about, Daichi."
Just then a really short kid walked in, with spiky brown hair with a little blond tuft at the front.
"Ah, Nishinoya, you're back," Daichi said, walking over to the short male.
So this was the guardian deity of Karasuno...
   Nishinoya looked over at you and then back to Daichi, then whispered something in his ear that you could barely make out.
   "Wow, Daichi, when did we get another cute manager? Seriously, where'd you find her? Is she as first year?" he asked.
   You walked over to Nishinoya.
   "Uh.... Nishinoya-Senpai?"
    "I'm a dude."
    You walked out of the gym with a huge grin on your face, totally forgetting about what you had promised Kageyama earlier.
"Hey, (C/N), Kageyama, you wanna go get pork buns with us?" Daichi asked.
"Sorry, we're going to go get ice cream," Kageyama stated bluntly.
"Ooh, (C/N)-Chan, are you going on a date with Kageyama now? Won't the great king be jealous?" Hinata asked.
You blushed slightly. "How many times do I have to tell you I'm not gay, Shōyō. At least I'm pretty sure I'm not," you muttered the last part to yourself.
"What was that last part?" he asked.
"Nothing. Let's go, Kageyama."
You two walked to a small little ice cream parlor, ordered what you wanted and sat down.
"So... where do I know you from (C/N)?" Kageyama asked.
You chuckled awkwardly. "Well...."
You told him all about how you were transgender and how you used to be one of his best friends in junior high. At the end of your rant and looked you in the eyes.
"(C/N), you could've just told me. I would've accepted you even back then, you didn't have to hide it," he stated.
"Thanks Kageyama-Kun," you said, hugging him slightly.

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now