Chapter 18 + 50K?!?!

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A/N: thank you for all the support I've gotten since starting up this fic again you guys, you have no idea how much it means to me.

ALSO 50K?!?! HOLY SHIT I NEVER THOUGHT WE WOULD GET THIS FAR!! Thank you so much to everyone who has read this and enjoyed it :)

The day was dreary out, but inside the gym it was even drearier.

You and Kageyama still hadn't resolved your argument, since Suga and Daichi were still helping you come up with the best way to do so, where you could keep your friendships with both Oikawa and Kageyama going. Honestly, best volleyball parents ever.

The team was still struggling to get back to a normal place though, especially because both you and Kageyama were still off your game, and wouldn't do any plays with each other.

"How about we split up into groups to practice today? Focus on individual skills rather than working as a team," Daichi suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement.

During this time, you took the liberty of practicing your spikes with Suga, which was nice. You tried to take your mind off of everything for a few moments.

That peace was kind of interrupted when Suga decided to open his mouth

"Hey, (C/N), I thought after practice we could maybe go hang out somewhere with Daichi. Y'know, to talk about the uh- thing?" he said, looking over to where Kageyama and Hinata were practicing not that far away.

Damn, thought we could do this without bringing that up? Well, guess I thought wrong

You shrugged. "Sure, why not? I was gonna hang out with Tooru but I can just reschedule, say something came up."

Suga smiled. "Great!"

You continued to practice for another hour or so, mostly in silence, as neither of you really felt like making small talk at the time, your minds preoccupied.

After practice, you helped Suga and Daichi clean up the gym some, the floor littered with stray volleyballs. You pushed your (H/C) hair out of your eyes with a sigh.

"Alright, so where are we hanging out?"


Entering the small cafe, you were immediately greeted with the smell of fresh spices and coffee. For how late it was, the place still seemed to be quite busy.

"This is a nice little place," you observed, taking in your surroundings. Overall the place had a nice vibe.

"Yeah, we used to come here after games last year, whether it be to celebrate, or to cheer us up," Daichi said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "Usually the latter." He let out a small chuckle.

After a minute they were seated. Daichi and Suga both ordered something smaller to eat and a water, but you (being you), ordered a (coffe/tea/soda). It's never too late for caffeine.

"Really (C/N)? Isn't it kind of late for that?" Suga said, sounding slightly stern, but still cracking a smile.

You grinned brightly. "It's never too late for caffeine!" You took a quick sip of the drink and the grin melted from your face as quick as it appeared. "But anyway. That's not what we're here to talk about, right?"

"Right." Daichi said. "Suga and I wanted to help you come up with a plan to try to patch up this whole thing. So the team can go back to regular practice, and more importantly, so you can fix your bond with Kageyama."

Taking another sip of your drink, you set it down carefully on the table and clasped your hands together. "Anything in mind?"

And so a plan came into fruition.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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