Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey guys! We finally made it to chapter, so this one is kind of gonna be a special chapter, so I'm gonna try to make it longer! Hope you enjoy! Also, we got over 500 reads! Almost 600! Yay! Halfway to 1k!
It had been a week since you'd come out to Kageyama, and things were going great. If you were about to be exposed he always managed to cover for you and it was overall awesome. Your friendship had been restored.
   You guys had also gotten a new coach and Nishinoya and Asahi were in the club again. Everything seemed to be going well.
   After practice one day, Daichi called everyone over.
   "Alright guys, in 2 weeks we're going to have a training camp, and at the end of it we're going to have a practice match with Nekoma high school."
   Everyone started whispered excitedly with each other. Hinata turned to Kageyama.
   "Hey, Kageyama, isn't this exciting?!" Hinata asked.
"Not really, we used to do this kind of stuff all the time in junior high," he said.
    "Oh, c'mon Kags, lighten up," you said. "It'll be great, don't you think?" You gave him a closed eye smile.
Kageyama's POV
    You gave him a closed eye smile, and Kageyama couldn't help but think of how adorable you were. He frowned.
But that can't be right... I'm not gay, (C/N)'s my friend, and I'm pretty sure that he likes Oikawa, seeing how much he talks about him. Kageyama sighed.
Your POV
  "Kags, you alright?" You asked, concerned.
   He turned back to you.
   "Yeah... I'm fine," he said.
  "Ok... well, see you tomorrow!" You said, turning around and walking out of the gym.
   "See you," Kageyama said silently.
   - - -
   You woke up bright and early on the day of the training camp, anxious to get there and start practicing. You got dressed quickly, grabbed breakfast and headed to Hinata's house so you guys could walk to the school together so you could catch the bus.
    "Ne, (C/N), are you excited for the training camp?" Hinata asked.
   You nodded. "Yeah! Are you?"
    Hinata smiled. "Yep! I'm a little nervous for the practice match though..."
   You smiled and patted him on the back. "You'll do great, Hinata! Don't worry about it! Just focus on the can't right now."
You suddenly started running. "Best you to the school!"
Hinata pouted. "Hey, no fair (C/N)-Chan! You got a head start!"
You laughed as Hinata tried to catch up with you.
About ten minutes later, you both reached the school, out of breath and tired, and now Daichi was scolding you.
"Come on guys, the training camp hasn't even started yet! (C/N), I thought you would've known better." He gave you the disappointed parent look and you glanced down.
"I'm sorry Dadchi," you mumbled.
"What? Did you just call me Dadchi?"
"No, I said Daichi."
"No you didn't, you said Dadchi!"
"Not a chance," you said, smirking and got on the bus.
   "Hey, Kageyama! Mind if I sit with you?" you asked and sat down before he could answer.
    "I didn't even answer yet," he responded.
"I know, but I knew you would say yes anyway," you said, smiling.
- - -
   You guys had arrived at the training camp, and of course Hinata was freaking out about it, making you chuckle.
   "Hinata, calm down, it's not that impressive," you said.
"Well, let's get practicing," Daichi said and you all headed to the gym.
- - -
"Whew, I'm so tired...." you said as you walked to the baths. You had asked Daichi if you could have a separate bath time from everyone else. It had been kind of awkward.
"Daichi, is there any way I can get a separate bath time from the other freshmen?" you asked.
Daichi awkwardly scratched his head. "Well.... we don't really do that, why?"
Crap. You had to come up with an excuse really quick.
'Or you could just tell him the truth...' you thought. 'Nah, that's too easy.'
"Um.... I feel uncomfortable because.... I'm gay," you thought up on the spot. "Please don't tell anyone!"
Daichi's looked slightly taken aback by your bold words. "A-alright, then. We can arrange that. And don't worry (l/n)-Chan, I won't tell anyone." he promised.
-end of flashback-
After finishing with your bath, you went back to where everyone was sleeping, and everyone was sitting in a circle, with one spot open for you.
"Hey (Y/N), you wanna play truth or dare?" Tanaka said, smirking.
You thought long and hard about this for a minute before saying.
You sat down with them in their circle.
Well, this was sure to be interesting.
"So, I'll ask first," Tanaka said, that smirk still on his face. "(L/N), truth or dare?"
   You thought about it for a minute. What's the worst that can happen?
   "Dare," you responded, and it may have been your imagination but Tanaka's smirk seemed to get wider. "I dare you to put this on, and we get to take a picture of it and send it to the person of our choosing on your phone," he said, holding out a dress.

(This is it btw)   You sighed

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(This is it btw)
   You sighed. "Fine....  I guess," you said, grabbing the outfit and heading to the bathroom to change. As you left the room you flicked them all off over your shoulder.
    After changing, you headed back into the room where everyone was waiting. You were extremely uncomfortable and dysphoric, but you went in there anyway.
   As soon as you walked in, everyone's face turned red.
   'So cute....' they collectively thought.
    "I know, it's so terrible, isn't it?" you said, looking down.
   Finally everyone started arguing about who to send it to.
   Everyone agreed to send the photo to Oikawa, except Kageyama, but, majority rules, I guess.
   "Seriously, fuck you guys," you said as they took your picture and hit the send button.
   Oikawa's POV
   Oikawa was laying in bed, tossing a volleyball into the air, when his phone vibrated. He looked down and his face immediately went red when he saw the photo on his screen.
   'Is (C/N)-Chan in.... a dress?! He looks really cute.... Hang on, I'm not gay! Well, I mean, I like looking beautiful, but that doesn't make me gay, right? Right?'
   He sighed as he looked at the photo again. For some reason it reminded him of his old friend. A lot. "Hmm... that's a strange coincidence, but, I guess they are cousins," he said, laying back on his bed. "Another mystery for another day, I suppose."

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now