Chapter 16

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Hello guys! I'm finally back from New Jersey, and am ready to start updating more frequently. Also thanks so much for 5K!!!

   You still couldn't process what happened. One day you and Kageyama were on great terms, amazing ones, actually, and suddenly, you were here.

   "Fine then, if that's how he wants to play this game, then let's play," you muttered to yourself, pulling out your phone.

"Oikawa? Yeah, I'll be right over."

* * *
As soon as you rang the doorbell you were immediately greeted by a very cheery Oikawa. "Hellooo, (C/N)-channn!" he said in a sing song voice, but paused when he saw your tear stained face. "Are you ok?! What happened?!" he said, shocked, continuing to ask a million questions while he ushered you inside.

"Ok, tell me what happened," he said. You began to explain what's been going on with Tobio while Oikawa listened intently, trying to not let a smirk cross his lips. By the end of the story you were full out sobbing while Oikawa tried to calm you down.

"I'm sorry, (C/N), but you should've taken my advice. That guy's a jerk, he could never treat you good enough, I've known that from the beginning," he stated in an angry tone, obviously directed at Kageyama.

Suddenly you felt a pair of lips on your own, and your teary eyes widened.

"Why don't you go out with my instead? I'll treat you a hundred times better than he ever could."

Now, you didn't say yes because you liked him. You didn't say yes because you pitied him.

You said yes because you wanted to get back at Tobio.

Of course, Oikawa didn't know that, but I guess we are all awful human in the end, huh?
* * *
It was the weekend again, but you guys had practice in the afternoon. You began setting up your plan.

(C/N): Hey, can you walk me to practice today?

    Oikawa: Sure! No problem!

   You and Oikawa had a pleasant conversation on the way to practice, both of you cracking jokes and making fun of each other. When you got to the gym, almost everyone was there, including Kageyama.

   'Good, my plan should go to plan then.'

   "WHAT'S HE DOING HERE?!" You heard an angry voice shout, and turned to see Tanaka heading your way. You put up your hands in surrender.

   "Tanaka, don't worry, Tooru was just walking me to practice, he's leaving now," you said with a smile. You turned to Oikawa and gave a closed eye smile. "Well, bye Tooru!" You said, giving him a peck on the lips, making him blush red as you ran into the gym giggling, smirking as you saw Kageyama's angry face.

Your plan was going just as you expected it to.

* * *
After practice, Kageyama approaches you, the first time since your argument. "(C/N), can we talk?" he asked.

"What about?" you asked, feigning innocence.

"What do you mean what about?! Why were you with him? Why did you kiss him?!" he said angrily.

"Oh, I dunno, maybe I realized you were a jerk to me. Maybe I've always liked him. Maybe he doesn't argue with me constantly or maybe," you paused, letting the word sink it. "I figured out he was better than you."

Kageyama looked shocked as you walked away at a swift pace. At this point you knew you were being a little mean, but still, you were hurting, and in your mind, this was the best way to get revenge.

The plan was set in motion, and you had no clue what would happen next.

   Just also wanted to let you guys know that my original book Madness In Murder has it's prologue out if anyone is interested in reading it!

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now