Chapter 7

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"HUH?!" Everyone said, looking at you and Kageyama.
   "I mean, it's not that unusual, they did all go to the same school, plus (C/N)-Chan is friends with Oikawa."
   "HUH?!" Everyone who didn't know you and Oikawa were friends shouted.
You awkwardly chuckled and scratched the back of your neck. "Yeah, he was my best friend in a Junior High before K-" you stopped yourself. "Before, uh, someone else."
   "Well, do you guys think we should go?" Daichi asked and everyone got super pumped, like they always do, and you laughed at them, like you always do.
   "I guess that was a yes, then," Daichi said.
   You woke up super early on the day of the match. You grinned to yourself and quickly changed before grabbing your phone.
   You: Hey, Hinata! I'll be at your house in like 10 minutes!
Hinata: Okay... See you then.
   Hm... that was weird. Hinata must be getting nervous about the match. You and Hinata had realized that you live pretty close to each other so the past couple days you've been riding your bikes to school together, and you decided to walk to the school for the match as well. You grabbed a piece of toast and ran out of the house.
   You got to Hinata's house in exactly 10 minutes, and knocked on the door.
   When Hinata finally opened the door, he looked like he'd just been sick.
   "Hinata?! What's wrong?" You asked.
   "J-just nervous is all," he stuttered.
You laughed. "Understandable. It is your first game in a match on an actually team, after all. Just don't throw up on me, please."
"O-ok, (C/N)-Chan!"
Suddenly you got a text from someone.
Oikawa: Can't wait to see you at the match (C/N)-Chan!!
You: Yeah, can't wait to kick you ass haha
Oikawa: That's a mean word, (C/N)! I hope you don't talk like that to girls.
You: Oikawa, what are you? Five?
Oikawa: ... maybe.
You laughed out loud at that last remark and Hinata looked over. "Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, Oikawa was texting me being a nut job. Anyways, let's go, we don't wanna be late or Daichi will kill us."
You both made it right on time. "Sorry we were almost late Daichi," you said.
"It's fine, but..." he leaned over so only you could hear him. "Is Hinata okay? He likes like he's gonna pass out."
You laughed. "Yeah, don't worry about it. First game jitters, he'll get over it."
Daichi sighed. "I hope so. Alright guys, let's go!" You all got on the bus and you ended up sitting with Kageyama, which was fine with you.
5 minutes into the bus ride, Hinata threw up.
   You guys finally got off the bus and Hinata still looked out of it. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom..." he said, running off, and the entire team sighed.
   You had some time before the game started so you decided to walk around for a little while. You were walking past the gym when you heard running footsteps behind you. As soon as you turned around, you were tackled into a hug, taking you by surprise.
   "(C/N)-CHANN!!" Oikawa sang.
   "... Oikawa, get off me. You don't even know me that well."
   He gasped. "I'm hurt!" You chuckled.
   "Are you excited for the practice match?" you asked.
   "Yeah, I won't be in for a while though, but you'll see me later," he said with a wink.
   "Wow, real smooth Oikawa."
   You walked into the gym and sighed, looking around.
   Finally, the game was about to start.

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now