Chapter 3

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A/N: Alright, so I know the last chapter was short. I'll try to make this one longer, especially because now I'm writing on a computer and have an actual keyboard instead of a phone. Hope you like it!


You woke up to the sound of your alarm. Again. You yawned and shut it off quickly. Today was your first day of being a part of the volleyball club. Memories of yesterday came flooding back; Kageyama and that other first year Hinata challenging the senpai's to a match, and Oikawa texting you. He seemed really sad when you told him the lie about your old self moving, but you were glad that promising to talk to him seemed to cheer him up. 

You stretched and decided you should go on a run. You quickly got changed and left the house. Your mom had already left for work so you didn't have to let her know where you were going. 

You ran in silence for a while until you reached the school, since you lived pretty close. You noticed that the lights were on in the gym where we practiced. "Huh, that's weird. We weren't supposed to have practice until seven..." You decided to go check it out. 

When you opened the door, you saw Tanaka, Hinata, Kageyama and Sugamama- I mean Sugawara practicing in the gym. They didn't seem to notice you, so you sat and watched for a while until finally you said,

"Wow, Hinata, your recieving skills suck," you pointed out casually. Everyone turned towards you, and the ball hit the gym floor with a thump. You chuckled at their reactions. "Don't worry, I won't tell. I actually need to get some extra practice in. Hey, Suga or Kageyama, can you throw me a toss?" you asked. Kageyama crossed his arms and glared. "No." You frowned. "Aw, Kageyama, you're so mean! You used to throw me tosses in junior high all the time!" you whined, not realizing what you said. He frowned. "I did? Also you sound like two people I used to know, it's weird."  You sighed.

 "Nevermind. Suga, will you throw me a toss?" Suga smiled. "Sure (L/N)." You smiled. "Yay!"

You both got into position by the net. Suga sent the toss flying towards you and you jumped up and spiked it really hard. Everyone looked at you with wide eyes and you smiled. "Wow, (L/N)-san, that was amazing!" Hinata said, his eyes shining. "Thanks Hinata!"

Kageyama's POV

Kageyama watched as the boy who seemed so familliar spiked the ball. That style of spiking,  he'd seen it before. He just couldn't place where....

Who was this mysterious boy that claimed to be from Kitagawa and reminded him so much of his old best friend (L/N) (B/N)?

He Was A She?! // Kageyama X Trans!Reader x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now