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   "But I don't wanna go back to school!" Max whined. The teen was following Preston around the house, complaining. His boyfriend sighed. "I'm sorry babe, but you have to go."

   He pulled out one of the kitchen chairs and sat down, flipping through a three inch binder. The shorter boy huffed and came up behind him. He laid his head on the taller's shoulder. "But it won't be the same without you..."

   The theatre geek giggled. "Really? That's what you're worried about?" He caught Max blushing out of the corner of his eye.

   "Maybe..." he mumbled into the other's sweater. His blush became brighter when a kiss was pressed to his temple. "Aw, you'll be fine without me. I'll be here when you get home."

   "For the first two months," the teen murmured, nuzzling his lover's neck. "And then you'll have to go to college..."

   Preston stifled a frustrated sigh. If there was anything he'd learned in the three years they'd been dating, it's that you have to be patient with Max. "It's only about fifteen, thirty minutes away. Trust me." He moved back, earning a whine from the other. It was easily silenced with a kiss. "We'll be fine."

   "I hope you're right," he breathed, in a daze. The auburn haired teen laughed softly and closed the binder. "Now hurry up, you don't want to miss the bus."

   The senior suddenly snapped out of his trance. "Shit." He quickly bounded off to finish getting ready. His boyfriend chuckled quietly at this.

   Preston pulled out his phone and put one earbud in, humming along to the song as he scrolled through Instagram. He came across one of Max's photos, a picture where he had fallen asleep clinging to the shorty's arm. He smiled to himself and liked it.

   He didn't even turn around at the sound of running behind him. "Bye Pres, love you!" Max shouted, flinging the front door open.

   "Love you too," the actor called over his shoulder. He heard the door squeak closed and slipped in the other earbud. He started quietly singing to himself. "He's just nervous," the male thought. "Everything will be ok..."


A/N: Hi.
So this exists now... I hope it can match up to the original. Anyway, enjoy!

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