Chapter Fifteen

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"God, it's taken forever for winter break to come around!" Nikki breathed as they walked out of the school. Max snickered. "Yeah, I can't wait to stay home with Preston."

"Same. Well, with Nerris." The athlete started walking backwards out of boredom. "What'd you get on you report card? I got mostly As and two Bs."

The adrenaline and excitement rushed back into him. "I don't how the fuck it happened, but I got Bs and one A." The teen was now fizzing with energy.

"Nice!" Nikki spun around, walking normally. Her hair bounced with every step. "Preston's gonna be proud to sign those."

He stopped in his tracks. "Wait, we have to return them signed? I thought that was only with progress reports."

She kept walking. "Maybe, I dunno. Just take it back in case we have to."

"Shit. Is there a way to erase ink?" Max asked, worried. She gave him a disapproving look. "What'd you do this time?"

He coughed. "I may or may not have written 'Get Laid' at the bottom."

His friend burst out laughing. "Oh my god, did you really?"

The jaded male rolled his eyes. "Yes," he muttered in monotone. She started laughing again.

"Oh my god, that's amazing," she sighed, wiping away a tear. They came towards a crosswalk and paused. "Wait, don't you have work today?" the girl inquired as they waiting for the light.

"Hm? Nah, I have the day off," he replied. "Nerris said I might be able to just work weekends, since more sophomores and juniors are applying there."

"Yeah, she told me," Nikki stated as the light switched. They quickly jogged across. "She still has the same schedule."

"Oh damn. Must be tough," Max said quietly. She just shrugged. "Eh. It might lead to a promotion, so it's worth it."

He nodded slowly. "Welp, I'll catch you later, Nik." He gave her a half wave. She gave him finger guns and clicked her tongue before heading the opposite direction.

The senior sighed and pulled out his phone, seeing a text from Preston. He tapped on the message and read over it.

FuckingAdorable: Mom said we can go over and see the kittens later! We might even be able to take one home!
HethinksI'mcute: really? cool
HethinksI'mcute: what time?
FuckingAdorable: Probably 7?? I get off at 6 and you're off today, so...
HethinksI'mcute: that works
HethinksI'mcute: oh yeah! I got As and Bs!
FuckingAdorable: You did?! Awesome!
HethinksI'mcute: I'm excited for my prize ;)
FuckingAdorable: You'll get it soon enough hon.
HethinksI'mcute: can't wait. Love ya ❤
FuckingAdorable: Love you too ❤

He smiled at the texts, turning into his driveway...

And running right into the mailbox.

"Dammit!" he hissed, rubbing his now injured arm. With an annoyed huff, he shoved his phone into his pocket and carried on to the front door, thinking of what to do on his day off.

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