Chapter Three

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Max groaned as he entered Starbucks, not ready to work for four hours straight. Thankfully, it wasn't that busy after six p.m. But he did have to deal with the after school and after work crowd.

He slipped in behind the counter and walked up to Nerris. The girl was currently writing a name on a cup. "Where do you need me?"

"Consider yourself lucky." She motioned towards the back. "A shipment came in and we need someone to unpack it."

The black haired boy nodded and started off towards the door, reluctantly saying hi to some of his coworkers. He finally managed to squeeze back there and started sorting out the packages. He knew he could finish the task in about an hour, but he wanted to stall. Taking his time unpacking everything, he watched the clock warily.

He finished around five-thirty and decided to hide out in the bathroom. Pulling out his phone, he sent Preston a text.

HethinksI'mcute: how was work?
FuckingAdorable: Easy today. That's why I was texting you earlier.
HethinksI'mcute: right, right...
HethinksI'mcute: still picking me up?
FuckingAdorable: At seven, right?
HethinksI'mcute: yep
FuckingAdorable: Ok! Be there soon ❤
HethinksI'mcute: can't wait ❤

Max quickly snuck out of the restroom and casually slid in beside Nerris. "Slowing down?"

"Yeah," she sighed, twisting one of her earrings. "Should be smooth sailing from here."

"And thank god for it," Dolph muttered, coming around the corner. "Today was exhausting."

The senior just hummed in response, checking the time again. 6:37, it read. He was growing antsy.

The german american broke the silence. "So, Nerris, how are things with the miss's?"

"Hm? Oh!" She spun to face him. "She introduced me to her parents yesterday. Sadly, they didn't approve, so she got kicked out."

Max's focus sharpened. "Damn," he murmured. Nerris nodded. "I know. She's staying with me and my parents for now."

"Well, at least things are better for her," Dolph stated. "Tell her I wish her luck."

"Same here," the short boy chimed, checking the clock for the trillionth time. 6:49.

"Will do," she purred, suddenly straightening up. "Oh, Max. Can you go check the new sharpies we got? Y'know, to see if they work."

He held back a sigh. "Fine," he answered dully, slinking around the corner.

After what seemed like hours of testing markers, he heard the door bell chime and voices from the front. He paused, listening. Suddenly, he heard Nerris call out, "Max! Your boyfriend's here!"

He closed the marker and shot around the corner, skidding some. His eyes lit up at the sight of Preston. He saw the excitement in the other's eyes as well.

He caught sight of Harrison next to him and regained his composure. "Oh, um... Hey, Harrison."

The magician rolled his eyes. "I don't care, embrace him if you want to."

Max's adrenaline kicked up again as he approached Preston. He quickly pulled the taller boy into a giggly kiss. He hadn't realized how much he had missed his lover until now.

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